Chapter 9

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*Stiles' POV* 

       I'm driving to Dereks with Dean and Sam behind me in the impala, tapping nervously on the steering wheel i pulled down the dirt road that lead to Dereks. Parking my jeep i got out watching as Dean and Sam got out of their car, they walked up stopping in front of me. "This is where he lives?" Dean asked with raised eyebrows, I nodded with a sigh motioning them to follow me. "Don't feel threatened by all the glares." I stated, Dean chuckled deeply. "A couple of wolves dont scare me." "Okay." I hummed stopping in front of Dereks door. 

      Sliding the door open i seen the pack and peter sitting around. "Stiles, about time you got here." Scott chuckled soon stopped once he seen who was with me, he slowly turned and looked at Derek who was glaring a dean and sam. "What are they doing here?" Liam asked confused. "I tried to get them to stay back." I said in my defense walking further into the room with them behind me. 

       "Who are they?" Derek asked gruffly, clearing my throat i answered. "This is Sam and Dean Winchester." Derek and Peters heads snapped toward me. "You brought hunters here?!" They shouted, my eyes widened. "First off, he didnt bring us, we followed, second dont yell at my son wolf boy." Dean ordered roughly, Derek looked at me with confusion in his eyes but his face stayed straight. 

    "Right...." i dragged out. "Im adopted." 
Liam stood up raising his hand. "Me too." Peter and Derek looked at him. "Great so we have four Winchesters in our home." Peter stated sarcastically. "Can someone kill him again please." I groaned plotting myself down on the couch next to Lydia. 

       Dean and Sam walked up standing there looking at everyone. 
"So whos all what?" Dean asked raising an eyebrow. "Werewolf." Derek, Peter, Isaac, and Scott stated. "Hunter." Allison raised her hand shyly. "Banshee." Lydia stated. "Kitsune." Kira mumbled. 

      The loft door slid open and in came Chris. 
"Hey dad." Allison smiled, he stopped in his tracks with wide eyes once he seen Sam and Dean, my dad looked at him in confusion. "Wait, dad?" He asked, Chris cleared his throat walking in. "Yeah...." 

     "You didnt bother to tell us your daughter is in a pack of werewolves?" My dad asked raising his voice. "I didn't think it was important, i was hoping you wouldn't find out about the pack and keep busy on the actual case." I watched as my dad's nostrils flared in anger before he took a deep breath. 

    He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by a gust of wind and the sound of wings flapping. 
"Dean." I heard Castiels voice, turning around i seen him standing behind me. "What cas?" "There's been another murder." I looked at him in shock, my dad growled in annoyance and slammed his hand against the wall. "God dammit!" 

      "All the murders have been teenagers right?" Lydia asked. "Yeah, why?" Sam asked slowly. "Well, what if one of us be bait to draw it out then you can kill it?" She asked, i nodded slowly thinking about it. "I'll do it." I stated, immediately eyes turned to me. "No." Everyone said in unison, i frowned with furrowed eyebrows. "Ill do it." Liam stated taking a breath, no one disagreed. "Wha-He's younger than me!" I exclaimed with a frown. "You're also human." My dad stated. 

     Rolling my eyes i silently mimicked his words. "Cas when was the murder?" My dad asked. "20 minutes ago." Nodding to himself my dad stated. "Tomorrow Liam will walk from school, we'll follow close behind, but not too close where they will notice." 

     Everyone agreed on the plan. "Wait, what are you?" Scott asked Castiel who tilted his head. "Im an angel of the Lord." The pack looked at him in shock even Peter and Derek. "What do you think we're dealing with Dean?" Chris asked. "A Vampire, nasty sons of bitches." I raised my eyebrows in shock. "Those are real?" I asked. "Yeah, so are ghosts, demons, changlings, shape shifters, also evil clowns that eat people, and a lot more evil shit." I noticed both Liam and Sam shivered when clowns were mentioned causing me to chuckle to myself. 

-30 minutes later- 

       Everyone was heading out of the loft ready to go home.
As i got outside i slowed to a stop turning to Dean and Sam. "You guys think i could come stay with you guys?" I asked awkwardly, they looked at each other before looking back at me with small smiles nodding. "Thanks." I mumbled walking to my jeep, getting in i was about to drive off when the passenger side door opened, looking over i seen Liam getting in. "Uh, what are you doing?" He looked at me and chuckled. "Im coming with you to stay with our dad's." He stated like it was obvious, sighing i backed up and turned my jeep around. 

      Driving to the motel we got there before Sam and Dean and sat in the parking lot. 
"Are you sure you want to be the bait Liam?" i asked softly looking over at him, he was looking down playing with his fingers. "If it stops the murders." He paused looking up. "Then yeah, I'm sure." 

      I gave him a small smile turning my head when i heard the impala pulling up. Our dad's got out of the car walking up unlocking the door allowing us all to enter. "So... Where's everyone sleeping?"

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