Chapter 35

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*Stiles's POV*

"How did you get in?" Derek asked me.

"I teleported." I answered, he looked at me with a clenched jaw. "Well, then try that." He stated, i put my hand on his shoulder and tried to flash out but it didn't work making my heart beat speed up slightly. "By your heartbeat im going to take it that it didn't work?" Derek growled lightly, i smiled sheepishly.

"I dont know what happened." I stated confused on why im not able to teleport out. "Because you're drained." I heard Crowleys voice behind me, Derek growled putting me behind him, narrowing my eyes at Derek i moved so i was standing next to him. "What do you mean?" I asked crowley confused. "Your grace is drained from bringing you here in the first place." He answered making me frown deeply. "I dont suppose there's a place we could... wait?" He didnt answer and had a smirk on his face.

*Dean's POV*

It's been two hours since Stiles left and he hasn't answered his phone, im currently sitting at the little dining table in the motel room with my phone sitting on top of the table waiting for Stiles to call. Suddenly the door opened, my head snapped up only to be disappointed to see Sam and Liam smiling and laughing. "Woah, sorry we're back." Sam joked setting the keys on the table in front of me. "Dean." Sam said my name but i continued looking at my phone.

'Screw it.' I grabbed my phone and keys ready to walk out of the room when Sam grabbed me turning me around looking at me with a confused/concerned look. "Dean, what's going on?" He asked quietly like Liam couldn't hear him. "Where's Stiles?" Liam asked looking around, Sam looked back at Liam then back at me with an even more concerned look. "He hasn't been back in two hours." I told them, they looked at me worried. "We're coming with you." Sam said walking ahead. "Where ever you're going." Liam mumbled walking behind his dad, i let out a breath walking out behind them closing the door.


I drove to the only place i could think of him being at, the Hale house.
Walking up i knocked on the door that was immediately pulled open by a disappointed Scott, not giving me too much hope. "Stiles here?" Liam asked stepping around me. "About that..." Scott trailed off letting us in the house.

"Demons took Derek." Scott told us once we were in the living room, Sam and I tensed up knowing this definitely wasn't going anywhere good. "Stiles said he could save him and knew where he was and disappeared." Scott explained, Malia and Lydia agreeing with him. "Shit." I muttered. "Dean-" I cut sam off holding my hand up. "I know." I paused. "Castiel!" I shouted, soon there was the sound of wings, turning around Castiel was standing there looking between us.

"Oh this can not be good."
"Stiles is in Hell." I deadpanned, he looked at me with shocked eyes. "Why? He shouldn't even be allowed in hell." I looked at him confused. "What do you mean? You went to hell and rescued me." I stated with furrowed eyebrows. "Im a real angel, Stiles is an angel yes, but just because of the grace that is inside his soul now." Castiel explained confusing me even more. "Explain more Cas." Sam stated. "Since he's not an actual angel, it's very rare that he should be able to enter hell, the grace that he has is going to be too weak to come back out." "So you're saying that the two of them are stuck down there." i asked slowly.

"Im afraid so." Castiel paused before continuing. "The only other way Stiles was able to cross into Hell is if his mate was in danger." I looked at Castiel confused. "What the hell do you mean mate?" "Like a werewolf?" Sam and I asked at the same time. "Yes, a mate where they have a strong bond that is basically impossible to break."

I heard a slight gasp causing me to turn and see Scott's mouth open slightly. "Stiles is Dereks mate?" "Or Derek's stiles's mate." Liam snickered. "Wait, angels have mates?" Lydia asked confused, Castiel paused with his mouth slightly closing and opening before he flashed out. "Okay then..." Lydia trailed off. "Dont take it personal, he does it to everyone." I sighed sitting on the chair.

*Stiles's POV*

"I could help you..." Crowley trailed off, i narrowed my eyes at him. "Are you trying to get me to make a deal with you?" I scoffed, he looked at me shrugging. "It was worth a try, i mean you need a way out of here, i happen to have the ride out." He faked a sigh.

I looked at him skeptically. "What would that be?" I asked slowly, he looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Your angel juice." He waved off, i looked at him confused. "The grace? How the hell would you have angel grace?" I asked in disbelief. "i have my ways." Was all his said before snapping his fingers causing three medium jars of grace showed up in his hand. "What do you want?" I asked looking at him with a hard stare. "Off your dead list." Was all he said. "You're saying you'll help me if i promise to not try to kill you?" I asked slowly.

"Yes." He answered with a shrug. "You realize you will most likely do something that will get you back on that list, and just cause i promise not to kill you dont mean my dad and Sam won't." I smuggly stated, he looked at me with a straight face. "You're a little smart ass aren't you." I heard dereks chest rumble from a growl building up.

I let out a sigh and agreed to his terms causing him to smile creepily, using his other hand he opened the jars, i watched as the grace floated out of the jars and towards me as i opened my mouth feeling as the grace envelopes me like a blanket of warmth, i didn't even realize the room had burned a bright white until i opened my eyes just as it was fading away and crowley and derek were covering their eyes.

Not giving crowley a chance to speak i grabbed Derek and finally flashed out of hell.

"Ugh." Derek groaned as we fell to the ground next to each other, looking around i squinted in confusion of where we were, this definitely wasn't beacon hills, i dont even know if it's California... 'Massachusetts...' My eyes widened as i read the sign, bending down i shook derek roughly. "What? You just dragged me out of hell i think i deserve a 5 minute break." He growled.

Bringing my foot up i kicked him making him growl louder. "You can have a break when we get home!" I snarled, he looked at me angrily. "Where are we?" He asked standing up. "Massachusetts." I said through clenched teeth. "God dammit stiles." Derek sighed, i rolled my eyes dragging him to walk, i need to rest my grace so i could flash us back to california. "So which way?" He asked looking down to the right, then to the left of the stranded road. "Uh.. Right."

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