Chapter 16

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*Stiles' POV* 

       My dad and i are now back with liam and sam who talked about somethings while we were gone. "Are we just going to sit here and do nothing?" I asked Sam and my dad, they looked at each other shrugging. 

     Pulling out his laptop, Sam began typing on it while i let out a sigh turning to Liam who looked bored. "Well." I paused standing up with a sigh gaining looks from the three of them. "Im going to the bathroom." With that i turned around leaving the room. 

*Liam's POV*

       Stiles left the room leaving my dad, uncle dean, and myself in the silence aside from my dads typing. "Hey, dean look at this." My dad said turning his laptop toward Dean, i watched as he looked at the screen and his eye brows furrowed. "Omens?" He asked in a whisper, though to me it sounded like he was speaking normally. "I think so...." My dad trailed off turning the laptop towards himself again typing away. "There's three girls missing..." He mumbled. "Where is this?" Dean asked. "Uh, it says that it's in Toledo, Ohio." "Well, lets go." Dean stood up along with my dad who closed his laptop putting it in a case. 

      While they were packing some things my dad stopped and looked at me as if he just remembered i was there. "Uh... Dean.." He trailed off, Dean looked at him then at me. "What?" He asked. "What are we going to do about the two of them? I mean we cant take them with us.." "Leave them here." Was all dean said, my dad looked torn but sighed getting the rest of his things and followed dean up the stairs leading to the exit. "Tell Stiles we'll be back in a couple days." Dean said, my dad pursed his lips waving. "Will do." Was all i said as i waved. 

     Once i heard the door close and the sound of the impala starting i jumped up running with my wolf speed through the bunker following Stiles' scent which led to the bathroom in which the door was opening and he was walking out. "Woah, slow down Liam." He joked looking at me. "Whats wrong?" He asked slowly. "They left, they said something about ohio, missing people, and being back in a few days." I explained shortly. 

       He paused for a moment before smiling. "Wait, so we're here alone, for a few days?" I watched as his smirk grew. "Castiel." He sang walking through the halls, the sound of wings were heard and Cas was now standing in front of us. "You called?" Castiel said with a small head tilt. "We need you to do us a favor..." I trailed off, he looked at us confused. 

    "What would this favor be?" He asked. "We need you to take us home." Stiles stated, Castiels brows furrowed. "But Dean sai-" Stiles cut him of waving his hands. "They're going to Ohio and wont be back for a few days, come on cas, just this once." Stiles practically begged the angel who licked his lips sighing. "Just this once." Was all he said as he touched our shoulders and we were back in beacon hills, in Stiles' old drive way... 

*Stiles' POV*

        "Oh i missed you Roscoe." I cooed as i seen my jeep, i ran my hand over the hood softly as if checking to see if it was real. "Stiles..." I heard liams voice trail off. "Do you need a moment? Or can we go see the pack?" I snapped out of it and turned to Liam who was looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "I must go." Was all Cas said before vanishing. "Get in." I said opening the door, flipping the viser down the keys fell into my lap as Liam climbed into the passenger seat. Starting my jeep up i pulled out of the driveway and began driving toward Scotts. 

-Skip Drive-

     Pulling along the road i parked turning the jeep off before we got out. 
Walking up to the front door i was about to knock but remembered i made a key a few years ago. Going through the keys on my key ring i found it and unlocked the door opening it. "You seriously have a key?" Liam asked scoffing in disbelief, i shrugged stating. "What? Its for emergency's." "Scott, im running to the sto- You're not scott." Melissa cut herself off, suddenly she realized who i was and looked shocked. "Stiles? Where have you been?" She pulled me into a hug before doing the same with Liam. "Kansas, long story, where's scott?" I asked. "I think he's at Dereks." She stated, i gave her a thankful smile and walked out. 

     "Well nice seeing you." She shouted laughing, i chuckled waving before we once again got in the jeep driving away. "Who do you all thinks going to be there?" I asked looking over at him before looking back at the road. "I dont know, maybe everyone?" Liam answered. 

     We soon got to the reserve and got out of the car. 
"We're walking the rest of the way." I stated turning the car off getting out. We walked through the woods for about 5-10 minutes before we got to the hale house. Jumping up on the porch i pushed open the door walking in. "Hey bitches, guess whos back." I walked into the living room seeing the whole pack, everyones heads snapped towards us in shock. "Stiles?!" Lydia squealed running up hugging me, i chuckled hugging her back. "Bro, what are you doing here?" Scott asked walking up pulling me in for a hug. "We had Cas drop us off, our dads are in Ohio doing some hunting bull shit." I said. 

     "What have you guys been up to?" Liam asked after we got done being hugged by everyone except for Derek, of course. "Nothing really, School, the occasional enemy will come up." Scott explained. I nodded slowly. "Sounds... Eventful." 

     "What about you guys?" Malia asked. "What have you guys been up to?" "Nothing, literally, we have to sit in that bunker 24/7 and i swear i would of went insane." I groaned sitting down on the couch. 

    We were all talking when i realized Liam wasn't around, with furrowed eyebrows i looked around the room still not seeing him. "You guys seen Liam?" I asked the pack, they all shook their heads before going back to their conversations. 

     Standing up i walked out of the room still not seeing him, i noticed the front door open so i walked outside looking around. "Liam!" I called out, nothing... 

     I got an uneasy feeling as i hopped down off the porch looking around the house still not seeing him. "Hello." I heard a sinister familiar voice, snapping around i barely had time to react before i was flashed into some dreary looking place tied to a chair, looking next to me i noticed Liam was knocked out. "We need to have a little chat." 

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