trust [4]

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----midoriya izuku----

I felt like my heart stopped beating. My eyes were blinking so much

The room was so quiet, I heard my mom resting in the other room.

I felt awkward.
I look down a little and then back at kacchan..

Kacchans cheeks start to turn a bright scarlet, and I sit there, feeling kinda happy and confused at the same time.

"Deku..I never knew..never knew this.."
He starts to say

I bit my lip.

"I-i kept it a secret."

"I'm gay too nerd.." Kacchan looks away from me.

I knew it! He doesn't feel the same. Does he?

I start to shiver as tears form in my eyes..

"Kacchan.." I called out nicely.
I breathe heavily and grip onto my blankets.

"Y-you..don't love me. Do you?.." I ask quietly.

Kacchan looks at me seriously.
"I'm surprised, because I'm really gay for you."

My eyes close with relief. And I start to smile.

I didn't believe in myself for so long.

"K-kacchan...does this mean..that were.."

He grins and softly caresses my face.

"Yeah, do you wanna be my boyfriend izuku?!"

I nod and I feel my eyes water,

"Yes!" I say happily.
"I-i..I really love you..I've always had..i-i was scared you didn't feel the same.." The words basically spill out.
But I was fine with it.


"Idiot.. Of course I liked you! Shit..just didn't know how to break it to you! I didn't even know you were gay. Damn nerd." He laughs and fluffs the smaller teen's hair.

Izuku starts to laugh with him cheerfully.

"This makes me very happy!!"
The raven starts.

Katsuki smirks.

"You crybaby." He says looking at me.

I quickly wipe away my tears and start to get out of my bed.

"Kacchan, wanna go out to eat? My mom won't be back till tommorow and my cookings not necessarily edible." Izuku chuckles quietly.


And that's how me and kacchan started to date! I was pretty excited for the first years trip, because I didn't have anything planned for the rest of the week. Kaccan would cuss a lot, but that was kacchan. He still called me
Dumbass, idiot, shithead,nerd sometimes. But I loved him with all my heart.

After we finished eating at the restaurant, me and kacchan sit on the bench near my house.

He held my hand and we continued to look at the nights sky.
Stars covered the whole sky! It was beautiful!

I take a peak at kachan, who was staring at the sky with ease.

"Pretty, ain't it?" I say smiling at him.

He nods casually and looks at me.

Whenever kacchan isnt angry. He's usual calm and Cool. I also like this side of him.

"I think they remind me of you." He says kindly.

I cover my face hiding my Scarlett cheeks.


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