bliss [11]

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The call interuppted their comfortable silence. The wind blew harshly and Katsuki got up leaving Izuku staring up at his back. Katsuki smiled at Izuku before taking the call. Izuku sat back and relaxed a bit, letting himself at ease under the shade of the cherry blossoms.


Izuku could hear a faint hello from his boyfriend that had walked on the other side of the tree. Ignoring it, izuku started to stare at the clouds.

"R-right Now?..I'm o-on my way..." Katsuki hung up the phone with a groan, shuffling back to where him a and izuku were sharing a moment of peace.

Izuku looked at him in wonder.
"You gotta go? So soon?" Izuku said sadly staring up at katsuki.

"Yeah, unfortunately. Its a family matter or some shit like that..want me to walk you home?"
Katsuki offered but izuku shook his head.
"No, you go ahead and get home. I'll manage." Izuku started to grab his backpack and his things.

Katsuki nodded in agreement.
"I'll text you." Katsuki and izuku hugged. Izuku pecked him on his cheek and Katsuki's face lit up. Making Izuku stare in amazement.

"I love you.Katsuki says, letting go of his boyfriend's hand. Izuku smiled and let go as well.

"Love you too.."

As they walk their separate ways. They both glance back once in a while, hating the fact of being apart. Not in each others presence.

Izuku cried, but only inside.

Katsuki was furious, for the matter. Of his parents disturbing their date and him having to leave his loved one and rush home.

    "Nobody likes negative people."

Izuku finally got home. But unfortunately he never got a call that night.

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