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Izuku felt empty. He hasn't seen his boyfriend for over a week. He was worried sick, stressed out. He kept his best to hide his emotions but sometimes the truth just spilled out. He cried himself to sleep every single night. He missed him painfully, and every second without him felt like decades. He replayed the last scene he remembered of them together. How beautiful he looked that day, like he could take on the world with open   hands.   Bakugou Katsuki..oh where had he gone?

He had been absent from school ever since that day, Izuku could help but wonder what happened or if something terrible could have happened to him.

Izuku left several voice messages, he texted him every day. He never got a answer. He called him every day, no answer.

The thing that worried him so was that nobody could get in touch with him. Not even his bestfreind.

Izuku's mother was worried for her son, who was emotionally unstable. He didn't even come out of his room. He seemed out of it also.

She was thinking about this while cooking dinner. Then she heard Izuku's bedroom door open. He shuffled around in the living room and then entered the little kitchenette they owned.

"M-mom..." He dragged on with restlessness.

"Yes, dear?" She wore a concerned look on her face while she turned to her son who's eyes were gleaming with tears.

"Why does this have to happen to me?? Why does everyone leave me?? What's wrong with me??"
He sat at the table and put his head down.

She stared at him with worry.
She didn't know what to say.

".....I don't..I don't..wanna...l-"
Before he could finish his sentence, Izuku collapsed right there, his mom quickly rushed to his side with concern shaking her son.

She continued to shake him but he wouldn't wake. She started to cry as she dialed 119(idk if this is correct)

The recent messages from Izuku to Katsuki were:

Izuku: I'm not gonna live without you.

Izuku: I won't live without you.

Izuku: I can't ..

Damn I'm evil...not really haha! Sorry, and pls don't kill me//

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