Chapter 5 Welcome to Storybrooke

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                                                      Emma POV

  I find Henry sitting at his castle, it's more like a platground by a lake. I go up to him, sit next to him, and hand him his book.

  "You left this in my car." I say, but he wasnt looking at me. He was looking towards the clocktower. "Still hasnt moved, huh?" 

  "I thought if i brought you here, the finial battle would begin." He confesses.

  "I'm not fighting any battles kid. I'm no savior." I tell him.

  "But it's your destiny, you're suppose to bring back the happy ending!" He says.

  "Could you cut it out with the book crap." I insist.

  "No need to be hostile, I know you like me. You're just pushing me away because I make you feel guilty. I know why you gave me away, you wanted me to have my best chance." He says. I felt like the air was just sucked out of me.

  "How did you know that?" I ask quietly.

  "Because that's the same reason why Snow White gave you away. She wanted you have to your best chance." He believes.

  "Listen kid, I'm not in any book, I'm a real person! Let's go, we need to take you home." I say while getting down from his castle, walking away and he follows after me.

  "Please don't take me back there!" he pleaded.

  "I have to, your mother is worried about you." I tell him.

  "Please don't! My life sucks!" He complains as we walk. I stop for a minute and turn around to look at him.

  "You want to know what sucking is? Being left on the side of a freeway! My parents didn't even have time to drop me off at a hospital," I start crying, "I had a family until I was three but then they sent me back to the foster system because they had a kid of their own. Look, your mom is trying her best. You may believe she doesn't love you, but at least she wants you."

  "Your parents didn't drop you off at the side of a freeway." He tells me.

  "What?" I ask, confused.

  "That's just where you came from, the wardrobe." he explains.

  "Sure kid, let's go." I say to him in a low voice.

  We start walking to my car, Henry holding my hair. We drive in silence on the way to his house. We walk up to the door, Regina opens the door. Henry runs inside the house and Regina turns towards me.

  "Thank you." she says.

  "No problem." I answer.

  "He seems to be taking a shine to you." She observes.

  I laugh, "You know what's kind of crazy? Yesterday was birthday and when I blew out the candle on this cupcake I bought myself, I actually mad a wish. That I didn't have to be alone on my birthday and then Henry showed up."

  "I hope there's no misunderstanding here." She says.

  "I'm sorry?" I ask.

  "Don't mistake all this as an invitation back into his life. Miss Swan, you made a decision 10 years ago and in the last decade while you've been doing, well who knows what you've been doing. I have changed every diaper, soothed every fever, endured every tantrum. You may have given birth to him, but he is my son." She tells me.

  "No I wasn't--"

  "NO, you don't get to speak, you don't get to do anything. You gave up that right when you tossed him away. Do you know what a closed adoption is? It's what you asked for. You have no legal right to Henry and you're going to be held for that. So I suggest that you get into your car and you leave this town because if you don't, I will destroy you, if it's the last thing I do. Good bye, Miss Swan." she said, fighting with me.

  "Do you love him?" I ask.

  "Excuse me?" she says with an attitude.

  "Henry. Do you love him?" I ask him again.

  "Of course I love him." she answers, then shuts the door on me.

  I leave, then drive and then park my car by a diner. I get out of my car and walk around the town, to see where the inn is at. I see the one guy, the one I saw last night and I walk up to him.

  "Excuse me?' I ask.

  "Yes." He turns around.

  He's beautiful, I thought.

  "Can you tell me where the inn is?" I ask.

  "Sure, love. It's behind Grannie's diner." He answers, with a British accents.

  I go inside the inn and hear two people fight, a young and an old woman but they stop fighting after they see me.

  "Excuse I would like a room." I say.

  "Oh ok. Would you like a square view?" The old woman asks.

  "Square view is fine." I told her.

  "Okay, I'll need a name." She says.

  "Swan. Emma Swan." I tell her.

  "Emma," Said a voice a voice behind me. I look that way and see a middle-aged guy, "What a lovely  name."

  "Thanks." I say.

  The old woman gives the middle-aged guy money. Apparently he owns the town and his name is Mr. Gold. He collects the rent for everyone.

  "How long will you be with us?" asked Grannie.

  "A week, just a week." I answer.

  "Welcome to Storybrooke!" she says, handing me key.

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