Chapter 24 Sheriff Swan

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Emma POV

  I was so pissed! How could she take my job like that? Just because she was Mayor? I don't think so... I didn't hear Mary Margret come in the door, since I was playing loud music. I was hitting the toaster with a knife because I was so pissed. Mary Margret turns the music down and before I can say anything, she says something instead.

  "What did that toaster ever do to you?" she jokes.

  "Nothing, I just needed to hit something." I say angrily.

  "Regina?" She asks. Man, she knew better than I thought.

  "Yeah! She fired me. She just angry that people don't follow what she wants people to do in this town." I say something angry again.

  "Are you really this angry for a job?" She asks me.

  I didn't have time to answer because someone knocked on the door. I go see who it is and its Mr. Gold.

  Now what does he want?

  "Mr. Gold? What are you doing here?" I ask politely.

  "I heard that Regina fired you and you still want to be Sheriff. I can help you there." he says with a smile.

  "Really?" I say, surprised.

  "May I come in?" he says pointing to the room.

  I let him and he explains how I could be Sheriff again. In the town charter, if two people would like to be Sheriff, you can have an election and the people decide, not the Mayor. This was brilliant idea and have an election against Sidney Glass won't be that hard. I heard the Mayor was appointing him at her office, so I hurry up and head down there. I get there before it's too late.

  "Hang on a second," I say, walking inside her office, loudly, "She can't do this."

  "Miss Swan, this is entirely inappropriate. And the town charter say that the Mayor can appoint--"

  "A candidate. And guess what? I'm running." I say with a smile.

  "So is Sidney." She says back but Sidney looks confused, like he didn't sign up for something like this.

  "Can't wait." I say walking out of her office.

  I get in my car and I decided to see Henry. He'll probably be at Grannie's because I doubt he's at his castle right now. Before I went to confront Regina about the elections, Mr.Gold promised me something; that he would try to help me win this election. I believed he could help more than anyone could. When I go inside Grannie's, I see Henry reading the newspaper, but I don't know who is on the front cover, at a booth.

  "Hey, kiddo!" I say with enthusiasm. He doesn't answer me and then flips to the front page of the newspaper.

  It's me. About how I went to jail and gave birth to Henry there. Also it talks about my election with Sidney Glass for Sheriff. How did they already have a paper out?

  "Is this true?" He asks

  "Yeah. You're not scared from this, are you?" I ask quietly.

  "Not by this, but I was born in jail?" He says.

  "Yeah. But don't worry about this. We'll just throw it away." I say, trying to sound cheery, a little bit.

  "But you don't get it. She's not gonna play fair, evil never does! Good has to play fair and that's why good always loses." he says with concern.

  "Everything will be okay, Henry. I have Mr. Gold on my side." I tell him.

  "No! He's worse." He says.

  I don't even answer, I just get up and feel upset and angry at the same time. I go to the person who is responsible for all of it. This has been my second time going to her office today. By time I get there, dark has already fallen. I storm in there without even knocking.

  "How did you get these records? They were sealed." I try to say to her calmly but not really working.

  "You can argue about it at the debate." she says.

  "What debate?" I ask.

  "Oh, yeah. There's a debate." she tells me.

  "Thanks for telling me." I say sarcastically.

  Why does it bother you that people know you're a criminal?" She ignores my comment.

  "I don't care about what people think of me, it's Henry I'm worried about." I answer.

  "How's that?" She asks but seems like she doesn't care.

  "Don't you think it would hurt Henry that his adoptive mother is throwing a smear campaign against his birth mother?" I wondered, as we walk out of her office together.

  "Henry deserves to know. And people in this town need to know. Be careful who you're getting in bed with." she says with a smirk, as we walk down her steps.

  Does she mean Mr. Gold? Ewww.

  "I'm not getting into bed with anyone. I'm just fighting fire with fire." I say but interrupted because there was a big BOOM.

  Me and Regina both fly backwards and notice that there is a fire going on right now. Regina's foot was tick under stuff, so she couldn't get up. I realized I needed to get help or a fire extinguisher. I leave to the other room and come back with it. Regina's face was surprised, like she thought that I would leave her here.

  Does she think that I'm that kind of person?

  I help her out of her "trap" and I try to hurry, but it's kinda hard to do that when the person you're helping has a injured leg. When we finally get outside, there is firefighters. I set Regina down.

  "Careful! Set me down carefully." She yells at me.

  "Seriously? You're complaining how I saved your life. Next I won't. No, actually I will because that's what good, decent people do." I tell back at her and walk away.

  Once I walked away, I see Henry running towards me. He hugs me with a bear hug, almost squeezing the air out of me. Everyone of my friends come up to me and ask to see if it's true. Mary Margret, Archie, Grannie, Red, and Blake keep asking questions.

  "Did you really save Regina from the fire?" Blake asks.

  Before I could answer, Henry does. "It's true! The fireman says she did!" Henry says excited.

  "We should posters, for tomorrow's debate." Mary Margret suggested.

  They all leave except Henry. I pull him aside and talk to him.

  "See, Henry, if you do something good, people will try to help and they will be excited or happy that you did it." I say with a smile.

  "Yeah, I guess they will!" He says back.

  I look over at the remains and look at what I see. I knew what I was looking at and I could also smell it. I could never forget that smell since I first smelled it. I grab the cloth and head to Mr. Gold's shop. I walk in, angered and slamming the door.

  "You did it..." I breathe.

  "What on earth are you taking about, dear?" He asks.

  "This," I hold up the cloth, "you started the fire. This smells like your sheep crap, from this morning. I know I asked for help but not this way."

  "If I did it, the only way you can beat Regina is if something big happens. And that's what the fire was for." he explains.

  "I'm not gonna win this way. This isn't right. I don't what your help anymore." I say walking out but Gold says something before I can.

  "Just remember what you're walking away from and who you'll be disappointing." He says but I walk out anyway.

  I go back home and go to sleep. I had enough crap today. I need sleep for tomorrow's debate. Once I wake up, I get dress and ready for the debate. Then I head over to the town hall, where it's being held. I'm waiting in the back for it to start when all of a sudden, Mary Margret comes to me.

  "Hey, you alright?" She asks.

  "I don't know." I reply.

  "What's really going on?" She wonders.

  "If I can't show Henry good can win or a hero can then how am I the savior? I won't have any part into his life." I say, slowly realizing I said it.

  "There it is." She wanted me to say that.

  "Yep." I smile.

  Then Archie says a speech and let's each of us talk. Sidney says a short speech and then it's my turn.

  "I know all of you know that I have a "troubled past" and you all decided to look past it because of the fire thing. But the thing is... The fire was a set up. Mr. Gold made a deal with me to help me with this case but I don't know he was going to do a fire to make me win. I'm sorry." I say the last piece, looking at Henry. In the middle of my speech, Mr. Gold left.

  I leave and go to Grannie's and have a drink. Then, Blake shows up and sit down with me.

  "Well, that was very brave of you," He tells me.

  "Yeah, but probably didn't win." I tell him.

  Then, Henry shows up and sits on the other side of me. He smiles at me and takes out his walki-talkie.

  "I shouldn't have gaven up on Operation Cobra. You were pretty brave to standing up to Mr. Gold." he says with a smile.

  I didn't have time to reply because everyone came in that I knew espically Sidney and Regina. My freinds were here too.

  "Is this where the party will be at, Sheriif?" I ask.

  "You have to tell me what that's like." Sidney says and realize what they were both saying.

  "Here you go, Sheriff Swan." Regina says, handing me the badge.

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