ONE (Rewritten)

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Ok so disclaimer this is a story originally wrote in the 6th grade. I re-discovered my old wattpad account and decided to re-write my stories and maybe even finish them. I AM STILL NOT A QUALIFIED WRITER. but i would love to know if you have a critique or a Direction you would like this story to go (since right now im just kinda going with the flow and world Building as i go) now so with out any further distractions.

Welcome To My Shit-show


Waking up to a slobbery dog tongue was no surprise to me but it was still gross nonetheless. 

I groan and shove my excitable, big puppy off of me. Picking up and checking the phone I silently curses. 

"Alrighty Duck time to prepare. We've got no time to waste." Although my mom allows me to skip school the day before Mating Season that doesn't mean I can slack off all day. 

Nope, I need to do any last minute preparations to the shelter and check up on the news for incoming Supernaturals.  

Forcing myself out of bed I quickly run through a short morning routine, not really worrying about looks since most of the next week I'll be spending inside one room anyways. 

I walk down the hall to the shared bathroom me and mom share to shower with a simple outfit to change into.

I slowly finish getting ready then meet my mom downstairs to eat breakfast. 

"Hey, little love," my mom calls me. "Can you check the news? I heard we have some newcomers hunting near us this year. " my mom asked from the kitchen. 

Ever since her sister, my aunt, was taken by a fairy person three years ago she's always been extra cautious. 

"Kay, mom." I replays before turning the TV to the first news station. 

During Hunting Season every new station is required to list any Supernatural groups that are hunting outside of their "natural hunting grounds" as the news likes to call them. 

Which is just a fancy way of saying where they hunted last year. 

"Hey mom did Layla call yet she said she'd be her before noon?" I call my mom casually listening to the news. 'So far nothing to be worried about.' I note to myself.

"Ya she called while you were in the shower. She should be here anytime now." Mom replied. 

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary for this year. A coven of witches coming in from the south but only two low level witches haven't found their soulmates. 

A small pod of merpeople are coming above land but only to explore since all of their pod have either found their mate or have not come of age yet. 

And one high class laima has decided to hunt for his Soulmate in a neighboring city. 

Lucky my town is made up of mostly humans because of the dense population. 

Most supernaturals like to be closer to nature so a concrete jungle like my current city has almost no supernaturals and scene there's so many people all our scents intermingled and only high level supernaturals will have any chances in locating their mates in such a pact city. 

"Hey Ma there's nothing to be worried about. The only high-level supernatural is a laima, but he seems to be hunting in the neighboring city." I report to my mom hoping to calm her nerves. 

Just as my mom was about to respond there's a knock at our door. 

"Izzzzzzyyyy open the door!" I hear my friend Layla scream from the other side of the door. 

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