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Alpha Amadeus POV

I am alpha of the biggest pack in America, yet no matter how hard I try I can't find my mate.

I see twelve year olds finding there mate and being best friends, young mates holding hands or going on dates and I try to stay optimistic but I can only hope one day I'll find her.

I have peraticly all the power in the world and no one to share it with. I started moving around to different pack's hoping that someone would be my mate. I've been to 5 packs with no luck. But I have a strange feeling about this one maybe this season I'll find someone to share my power with.

I pick up the bags and leave the store after hit on by the by the cashier. I would usually not care but her mate was right there I don't see how some mated people could do that. But I guss some people don't appreciate there mate enough.

After stopping a some other stores I go to the cabin I had set up just incase I found my mate. I plan on taking her here right after I find her so I bought some clothes. I asked my betas mate, Trinity what she thinks she would like when I find her.

My beta found his mate as a young teen she's a human he found her at the park. Apparently she did not know that it was mateing season so she didn't hide.She agree to date him and spend mating season with him if he bought pizza. I always thought it was a strange story.

I kinda hope my mate is that willing. I really hope I don't have to use the mating.season rules with her.

I end up buying some pizza and other stuff like clothes, more food, jewelry,chocolate, some movies, and other girly things. I spent the whole day moving and fixing things in the cabin tell I think its perfect before I knew it, it was 11:49.

I ran to the edge of the wood and waited in wolf form with the other supernatural. The moment it was twelve everyone howled and(vampire noises) then ran looking for a sent that could change our lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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