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After picking movies and snacks Layla, my mom and me played games and baked to pass time.

we all took naps in the safe room seance we won't be getting much sleep during mateing season.

' Wake up bitch

get your lazy ass up

get up now fuck tard'
says Laylas lovely alarm.

"what time is it" groned Layla

"five minutes tell 12:00 I put all the stuff in the safe room" my mom walked in.

" Five minutes tell 12 how long did we sleep".I asked feeling left out of the conversation.

"Yes common we need to lock everything"

We all went around locking all window and doors then met in the safe room where mom locked the big mettle door. The safe room is made to look like part of the wall. It's pretty cool off you ask me.

"three 12"

All you herd was howls and ( Insert vampire noise here) Layla clanged to me like a koala " It's ok where gonna be fine" I conferred her.

"stop being like that" She said nervously

"like what"I asked confusd.

"like a luna"

I was kinda shocked she would say that. But I ignored it shes probably just scared.

"Maybe we should watch a movie to pass the time"mom suggested.

"ya" we both said.

---------------------------Time skip bout to you by Allstate are you in good hands----------------------------------------------------------------

We all fell asleep during the movie only to wake up to loud banging the front door.

"shit Laya your boyfriends here~" I teasted.

"But I'm sweepy make him go away" she whines rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Layla come on out" yep we were right. we herd him Walking around the house tell his foot steps stopped right in front of of the safe room door.

"Layla come out I made you food at the cabin" Layla only groaned. "Layla if you dont cone out I'll knock the door down."

"fine fine, but no funny business" she finally agreed.

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