Medusa's secret daughter

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Medusa was a temptress, a lustful god. She mostly tempted mortals, weak willed men, easily taken off the path of right, and led into temptation. However Medusa soon grew bored of these weak mortals falling at her feet, Medusa decided to use her gift on Poseidon, Greek god of the sea, she used her gift, like on the mortals, but what she did not realise was just how powerful he was, Medusa tempted him to much, she could not stop him like the mortals, he was stronger, too strong for her to over power. Fearing for her life Medusa ran, far and fast, she sought help in Athena, she ran to the temple of Athena begging her for help praying and praying to the goddess to help her. Only Poseidon caught her, he took her there on the cold tiled floor of Athena's temple. Mesdusa's screams for help went unheard by Athena. No one to help.

Medusa was never a popular God among her own kind, but 

Athena, disgusted by Poseidon and Medusa, cursed Medusa for her actions, transforming her. So that no man woman or child could ever look upon her again, so that she could not tempt another. What Athena did not realise was that Medusa had become pregnant with Poseidon's child, by cursing Medusa Athena cursed her child. Athena trapped Medusa into a temple where she would stay for eternity. Her child growing inside her. Medusa was trapped. In hell.

When word spread about the goddess, banished by Athena, trapped in a temple, many warrior's took in upon themselves to try and slay Medusa to be the worlds mightiest warrior to be remembered forever, and, they prayed, become Athena's guard, but Medusa could not let them harm her child. You see Medusa hated Poseidon and Athena for what they did to her, taking away her powers, making her nothing but a demon, trapping her, taking the life she had but her child could have the life she never could, her child could live among the gods. And show them, show all of them, what they did to her. Her child could survive, perhaps even take her place among the gods. Or become mortal, be happy, in the light. Instead of the dark shadows that haunted this place.

Warrior after warrior searched the temple for Medusa, but she made sure to hide herself very well. And having to kill any warrior that came too close. Medusa refused to let anyone find her before her child was safe, after 9months of hiding from many a man and woman who entered the temple, Medusa gave birth to a baby girl. After 9months of wishing she finally had her child. Medusa held her child close, her eyes squeezed tightly shut, making sure not to harm her baby, a sense of happiness tided over Medusa for the first time in 9months, but it was short lived as Medusa realised at that moment that she couldn't keep the baby, she would kill her if she even caught a glimpse of her, how could she raise a child with her eyes closed? Impossible. To save her baby, Medusa ripped off part of her goddess dress, and wrapped up the baby, her eyes still tightly closed.

She clutched her child to her with one arm using the other to guide herself to the entrance of the temple that would be her prison forever. She stood with the child at the entrance, Medusa whispered "this temple shall be my prison forever, but you can be free. You can live the life that I was denied. My sweet child."Medusa kissed the child's head and layed her down, before returning to her hell in the shadows.Days passed and many warriors entered the temple of Medusa, but not one took the child. By walking passed her child they had chosen there own life over an innocent child. Every day Medusa checked to see if anyone had rescued her child, but with every passing day Medusa started to worry, her child lay on the steps to this hell, her small weak cries worse than a sword to her chest. Medusa stared just a few centimeters away from where the child was laying, hidden by the shadows, making sure the child never seen the monster her mother had become. 

Days passed, Medusa never moved from her shadowed hole, her child's screams weakened, becoming nothing but small pained gurgles. No warriors passed. The days of hunting over, for now. For the first time since she had been prisoned in hell, Medusa wept, her cold tears staining her face "please..." She whispered into the black abyss above her. Sitting she watched as rain came and went, sun shone, and clouds dispersed. Each day Medusa prayed, she prayed for her child, she prayed for her safety, and she prayed, that one day, she could look at her child, and not have her turn to stone. That night Medusa wept, she wept through the darkness, into the silence, until the sun rose...

Callista held her sword loosely by her side, her shield holding the emblem of her people. Many had refused her right to fight as a child, and all advised her not to go to the temple. Her life at her village was one many women would have killed for. She was the most beautiful woman in her village, even her name Callista, means most beautiful, her future decided by her name. Everywhere she goes, she is envied, her smile makes even the greatest man fumble his words, her laugh enough to make a man fall all over himself. She has always been told her beauty is her most deadly weapon, but that's by the men that have never battled her. Her sword arm was wicked, her sword made perfectly to fit in her hand, lighter than air, and stronger than titanium. 
 "Welcome to hell" Callista whispered to herself, raising her sword to the stone temple, the words demon etched all over the walls and steps by those afraid of what lived within

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