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"I wonder if the house still looks the same." I wonder.

"We could always stay in a motel." Alex suggests. I give him a look. Is she serious? "Or not." He shrugs.

"This reunion will be fun." I try to hype him up, whilst keeping an eye on the road, pulling into our town.

"Yay." He rolls his eyes.


"My Mom says she'll be here tomorrow." I smile. "Her and Drew are flying back from Europe."

"I would've stayed in Europe." He mumbles.

"They had a great time." I ignore him. "They say Africa is next."

"Good for them." He says. "They travel the world, we can't manage to stay away from this town. Who are the young ones again?"

"I suggested we spend last years spring break together in Italy." I grit, annoyed. "You went to a guys trip in Vegas." 

"Well, it's not like you've been that flexible with school." He shoots back.

"I go to Harvard!" I spit. "Listen." I try to calm down, as we pull into the driveway. "Just be nice."

"I'll try." He sighs. We get out of the car, Cole and Jake's car pulling up behind us. Alex busies himself by unloading our luggage from the truck. 

"Good drive?" I ask them, watching the twins fight their way to the house, fighting over toilet use. 

"If I ever have to drive those kids again I'm going to go insane." Cole chuckles.

"ALEX! HARPER!" I manage to turn around just in time before a small body flies into my arms.

"Hi Will." I smile, hugging him tight. "You're big." 

"I'm seven now." He says, moving quickly on to Alex, who picks him up.

"Hey kid." He grins, smiling for the first time all day. "Got a girlfriend yet?"

"Girls are gross." Will wrinkles his nose. 

"Good to hear." I laugh. 

"Cole trust you to look after the house now?" Alex asks, as we follow everybody up to the house.

"Nope." Will pops his cheeks. "Jesse babysat me."

"What?" Alex stops abruptly.  

"Hey, little cuz." An unfamiliar face greets us at the door. "Long time no see."

"Jesse." Alex says curtly, walking right past him into the house.

"Did I miss something?" I frown, turning to Vince.

"I do not have the energy for that story." He yawns, trudging towards the stairs, a couple of others following him.

"You must be Harper." Jesse says, holding out his hand. "Jess."

"Hey." I smile. "Sorry about Alex, it was... a long drive."

"I wouldn't have expected anything else." He waves it off. "You hungry? Will cooked."

"Thanks so much for watching him." Cole says gratefully, as we follow him to the kitchen. "You're a big help."

"No worries man." He says, beginning to serve everybody food. 

"How long are you here for?" Alex asks shortly, heading straight for the fridge, pulling out a soda. 

"Awhile, I don't know." He shrugs, handing me a bowl of stir fry.

The Bad Boys Saw Me Naked. AgainWhere stories live. Discover now