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Whoops, my deadline went out the window.

More soon x


"How was your night?" I poke my head out of the doorway to see Cole, who might actually be passed out on the porch swing. Apparently he never made it inside.

"I spent the last 7 hours cramming in the library." He yawns. "Got a test tomorrow."

"Do you think you'll make it up the stairs?" I ask, pushing a mug of hot tea into his hands, and wrapping myself tighter in my woolly jacket. It's still kind of cold in the mornings.

"Yeah." He shrugs. "But I promised Will I would watch him in that play today. So I'll have to sleep after."

"Well come in at least for some breakfast." I insist. "Hot muffins and bacon on the table." 

I make my way back inside, to see mostly everyone already mulling around. The food is quickly disappearing, but I've quickly learnt my lesson over the last few weeks on how much these boys eat, so I doubt we will run out.

"The kettle is full if anyone wants hot drinks." I announce, before grabbing my sewing kit off the table. "Will, come here."

"Why is Will dressed like beetroot?" Vince asks, shuffling down the stairs.

"For his play." I muffle, my teeth holding pins. 

"It's about healthy eating." Asher explains. "I had to build some sets in detention."

"I should have been the turnip." Will sighs. "Life's just not fair." 

"Beetroot's pretty important man." Zane tries to encourage him, ruffling his hair. "Makes you strong."

"Not only did Tony Wilson steal my girl, but he stole the spotlight." Will complains. "The turnip gets an extra five minutes on stage and his own song. And he marries the celery, who is hot as-"

"Ok, that's enough vegetables for now." I interrupt, finally stitching his costume on better. "Go get in the car." 

Will grabs his backpack, and somehow manages to push his way through the kitchen, without bumping things over with his beets.

"Whoever isn't in the car in five minutes has to walk." I call out, downing my coffee.

"Good morning." Jesse says, pushing himself through the stampede of kids rushing for the door.

"Hey." I smile. "Muffin?"

"Yes please." He smiles, ripping it apart. "I had to birth a calf last night, I'm exhausted." 

"That sounds disgusting." I say brightly. "Get in the car."


"Turnip, and celery. Sitting in a tree. K.I.S.S.I.N.G." Thirty kids 'sing' on stage, to be honest, all looking kind of confused about what's going on. 

Which is how I feel about this play. 

"So..." Jesse leans in between me and Cole from behind our row, also trying to make sense of it. "The vegetables defeated the junk food..."

"So now they're all getting married." Cole finishes, frowning.

"I was kinda rooting for the hot dog." Zane shrugs.

"What is this school teaching these kids?" I ask, trying to hold in the laughter. 

"That apparently, if you try real hard." Jesse laughs. "Anyone can land a good celery stick." 

We get shushed by all the old ladies who are taking this seriously, and we sober up. I continue to watch, and clap after Will sings his line. 

Finally, this nightmare is over, and the kids disappear behind the curtain, and the audience starts to leave.

"I'm going to go congratulate Will... on whatever that was." Zane says, taking Cole with him. Me and Jesse make our way outside.

My heart stops.

My Dad. 

He's leaning against his car, next to Quentin. He stares straight into my eyes, smiling, almost peacefully. That's what scares me the most. 

I haven't seen my father in two years. If I had to wait another fifty, it would be too soon. 

"Jesse we need to leave." I say quickly. 

"What?" He frowns, looking at what I'm looking at. "Who's that?" 

"Where's Cole and Zane?" I say quickly. "We have to go." 

Jesse senses my fear, and leads me to our car, quickly. I keep my eyes on my Dad, but they don't make a move at all. They just watch. 

Cole and Zane appear out the door, but they don't seem to notice my Dad and Quentin, making their way straight to us.

"So." Cole snickers. "Will is very excited, and says he's going to win his girl back at lunch, and-"

"Get in the car." I say quickly, opening the door.

"Why?" Zane frowns. 

"Don't panic, don't cause a scene, get in the car." I say, almost whimpering, keeping my eyes locked on my Dad. 

They haven't moved an inch. What are they doing?

They both turn around to see what I'm so panicked about, and Cole almost growls. 

"What the f*ck are they doing here?" Cole spits, taking steps towards them. 

"No!" I shout, racing to get in front of him, pushing him back. "Please don't." I beg. "Get in the car, we need to leave." 

Cole senses my desperation, and walks slowly back to the car, keeping his eyes on the two of them, almost smouldering.

"They are dead." Zane spits, slamming his car door shut, looking at them out the window. "What are they doing here Harper?"

"I have no idea." I whisper, in disbelief myself. We watch, as Quentin and my Dad get in the truck, and drive away, leaving skid marks in the grass, much to the anger of the parents and teachers talking in front of the school.

"You need to call your Mom." Cole says, pulling out of the parking lot. "And Trent."


"Mom I  don't know what to do." I sob, sitting at the end of the bed. 

As soon as we got to the house, I ran up the stairs, to figure this out. The boys stayed in the kitchen, with a very confused Jesse. I'm sure he will be filled in.

"Just stay in the house." My Mom tries to calm me down. "Derek is trying to get hold of Trent, but he's not answering our calls. He's probably busy."

"They were so calm." I tell her. "They weren't even trying to talk, or follow us." 

"I don't know what's going on." Mum says. "But that's probably a good thing. They're still scared of Trent."

"What about Evan?" I ask. "Call him."

"I didn't think about him, I will." She says. "Derek and I are just getting in the car, I'll see you in about an hour." 

"Ok." I sigh, just wanting my mom. 

"What about Alex?" She asks.

"He's not here." I shrug. "I told you, we're taking some time apart."

"Well, even if you're fighting, he deserves to know." Mom says. "You should tell him."

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