Chapter Eight

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The graves lined with symbols of remembrance, candles and flowers decorating the multitude of gravestones. Saki, Sora and Sayuri placing flowers that decorated the clearing before onto the ground and offering tables.

Murde's body lowering down as her fingertips run along the makeshift coffin that's covered in flowers and pictures of past memories. Her eyes clouding over more as images flash through her eyes of the small boy's life before his untimely death by sickness at the age of seven.

Birth, birthdays, family, pets, outings. Bright images filled with life and joy. Positive moments within his life before the bad news after he turned five. The images dull and gloomy.

Every death. Every spirit's life always sticks with Murde for her life. The good, the bad. Each memories is locked within her mind after each passing. This is her magic's downfall.

The group having followed them down and are now watching with interest, having stiffly laced the graveyard with their symbols of remembrance for someone they might've lost through their lives. No matter if they aren't buried here, their respects travel towards their loved ones through the festivals high spirits.

By simply passing through Murde. Weisslogia, Skiadrum, Heartfilia's, Ur... All of them feeling the pride of their relatives and friends paying their respects. Although, it's not like she's told them they are reacting to it.

Rogue places a hand softly on Murde's head, her thick cloud over her eyes vanishing as her fingers instantly rise off the make-shift coffin. The images halting the moment the contact is lost.

"Murde... It's late, we should all be getting back. That means you too." Rogue mutters softly, lowering down and wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her up to her feet. Slowly turning around, she watches his aura closely before giving a tired nod.

A stifled yawn passing through her parted lips as her eyes gaze over the now empty graveyard beside the group who are beginning to depart. Fairytail's hotel the furthest away so they left no longer than five minutes prior.

With a click of Murde's fingers, the candles lining her attire diminish. Flickering off after a content sigh leaves her throat. "I'll walk you back to your hotel." Rogue mumbles, his arms still around her waist.

A shake of her head, Murde declines softly. "Rogue, my hotels not far, a five minute walk from here. You can walk on with your guild mates. I'll see you in the morning. Alright?" She mutters, her eyes watching his aura flash multiple colours before turning silver in a nervous acceptance.

Leaning up, Murde places her lips gently against Rogue's, a soft kiss before it ends, not wanting to push their relationship too quickly. Leaning down, clasping her hand with his before leading him to his comrades. Ruffling both Frosche's and Lectors head she smiles softly.

"Thank you Murde-sama... We appreciate you allowing us to accompany you." Yukino states gently, a smile lighting up her features as Sting nods in agreement. A genuine smile coaxing his lips instead of the usual smirk.

"I'll see you five tomorrow morning."


"Rogue was extremely proud of you, Murde." Sayuri states softly, her body now small as she holds both her siblings paws as the walk right in front of Murde.

"His aura was bright with pride... Sayuri. It was extremely heart-warming." Murde replies softly before sweeping down and picking up the three exceeds into her arms.

Holding them tightly to her chest as Saki mumbles, her eyes falling closed, knackered as the night continues on. The sun id due to rise within the next four hours, the second day of the games beginning in seven hours.

Halting as a loud explosion catches their attention, Murde swiftly turns around, seeing a mass of lines expanding up within the western direction of Crocus. "Seems someone's partying even as the night sky indicates early morning." Sayuri grumbles as Murde chuckles before continuing to walk her way towards the hotel.

"Are you planning on telling him everything about year x776?" Sora asks softly, knowing too well it's a touchy topic. The streets as silent, the complete opposite of the dead.

"Yes... Dear Sora. After the games. I reveal it all... How I lost my eyesight. What happened to mother... The inferno..." The two exceeds awake cringe in her arms at the simple word that causes too much agony of pain through Murde each time she mentions it.

"Rogue never got told about it... Did he?" Sora mutters. His ears flattened against his head as he glances up to her. Noticing her eyes more unfocused than usual as her head swiftly keeps glancing around.

Halting as soon as the hotel comes into view. Placing both awake exceeds on the ground as she holds Saki close to her chest. "Is something wrong?" Sora asks as they watch her body tense, his eyes darting around swiftly and smoothly to try spot any form of dangers.

Sayuri quickly puffing as she appears in her battle form. Gripping the hilts of her blades and swinging them out, motioning the slight distress Murde's releasing. Snapping her jaw together before slowly creeping towards the open alleyway Murde's blind eyes are focused on.

Ear perked, she slowly leaps in front of the entrance, aiming her weapons into the alleyway as her eyes scan it. "Murde, there's nothing in there... Perhaps a cat or something got scared." Sayuri states slowly walking back towards them as Sora climbs up onto his sister's shoulder.

"Sorry... I thought I saw an aura. It must have been a miscalculation due to the festival..."

Shaking her head, she quickly motions for Sayuri to walk in front of her until the hotel doors close. "Are you sure Murde, you seemed pretty terrified... is something wrong? Did something happen within the festival?"

"No, everything's alright. I just thought someone was there... But, like I said. Seems it was a miscalculation."


Murde's attire lit up again as she sits on the wall of the arena. The exceed triplets sitting on her lap. Not seeming to notice the slight tiredness that corrupting under Murde's eyes. Well, then again, the makeup is stopping the bags from being noticeable.

The event of the day underway. Uneven is the name, a long pathway from one end to the other. Mainly like a race. With a range of obstacles and more importantly, in no way is the many sections even but shaky and wobbly are an understatement.

Rogue not participating but Dobengal is for Sabertooth. Some Murde have yet to meet from Fairytail. "Sayuri." Murde mumbles softly, her eyes trained on Rogue's aura across the field.

"Yes, Murde?" She replies, glancing up to Murde with calculating eyes. "It seems I won't be participating today, so I might go on a wonder with Rogue if he wishes. Meet up later on with Frosche for dinner, alright? We can find me."

Sayuri nods, puffing into her battle form and scooping up her sibling in her mouth by the scruffs of their attire. Leaping in the direction of Sabertooth's stands. Rogue leaving his stands after hearing Murde's words and telling Frosche to stay with the triplets.

Murde slides off the wall and head out into the corridor. The outlines all blurred as she slowly edges down the corridor, bumping into Rogue as he quickly wraps his arms around her waist, stopping her from falling back.

"Careful, Murde." Rogue states, worrying and a small piece of amusement dancing in his voice as Murde grumbles. Adjusting her bangs and sombrero before chuckling faintly, wrapping her arms around his neck.

A gasp escaping her lips and Rogue hoists her up, his arms tight around her waist as her feet now hover inches above the ground. A smirk passes over Rogue's lips as he keeps Murde plastered against him as he walks out of the stadium.

Leaving the stadium behind, and giving the two, hours on end together with no complications.


Sorry for the long wait everyone! But, Here you go! Chapter 8! More of a filler but its got important pieces of Information in it! xo


The Blind Dragon Slayer - Rogue Cheney x OC / Reader Fanfic (Fairytail)Where stories live. Discover now