Chapter Eleven

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With the sun now slowly being to decorate the sky, the clouds non-existent allowing the heat to burn down throughout Crocus. The members of Phoenix feathers slowly beginning to awaken, getting bathed, showered and dressed. Ready for the second day of the games.

Master Devion, adjusting his button up shirt sighs deeply. Something nicking at the back of his mind and he shakes his head. Knowing he shouldn't focus on things besides his guild and the games. His ears picking up the muffled noises from some of the rooms surrounding his own.

Closing the door to his room, he walks up and down the corridor, knocking sharply on each door he knows his guild members reside in, waking them up if they aren't already up. Gaining yells of reply, telling him they've awoken.

Walking towards the last room, he knocks on the door, awaiting the groans to muffle through underneath the door like always when awaking the three exceeds who hate mornings with a fierce passion. Knocking sharply again, Devion tilts his head.

"Yo! Master! We need to start heading towards the foyer! Everyone's beginning to crowd-... Can't awaken them?" Cerasi, a script mage of the guild calls out. Her twin, Cerasia at her side. Both identical, besides the latter twin wears fake lensed glasses.

"You both should head on down. Tell them I'll be down in a moment." Devion replies, a hint of tiredness in his voice as both girls nod and wonder down the corridor with a skip in their step. Humming and weaving around their comrades who step out their rooms.

"Oh, Master? I think you'll need to shake them awake, we were both up pretty late last night, and we didn't hear them go into their room. That Cheney boy must've kept them out late. Seriously!" Cerasi calls out finally before vanishing from sight. Members of Phoenix Feathers looking at them with raising eyebrows before following them to the foyer.

"Oi! You four, come'on! We have another day of the games! No time for sleeping in!" Devion calls out, rapping on the door harshly, trying his best to awaken them. With a deep sigh, he stalks down the corridor, straight towards the foyer's reception.

"Hey, I was wondering if you saw Murde from my guild come in late this morning? Her and her three exceeds." Devion asks the male at the reception of the hotel. Many of his guild looking in his direction, some walking up to him, mainly the other four contenders.

"The one that wears the large hat and candles?" The male asks, Devion nodding his head. Pressing his hands against the wooden desk, giving a simple, 'Aye' as she receptionist shakes his head.

"No... She didn't return last night, nor did the exceeds that I've seen on the lacrima that fought with her at the games." Devion raises an eyebrow. Closing his eyes as a slight tid-bit of worry escalates inside him as he gives thanks, and turns towards his guild.

"Master, they probably stayed with Sabertooth as it was too late to return, Sabertooth stays in an expensive hotel along with the other guilds. They will meet us there." The guild all mutters towards him. None of them having sensed or seen their comrade since the beginning of the games the previous day.

Pure detest lining his features at the thought, they've never fully trusted anyone within the guild, and within minutes, they became close to the dragon slayer from Sabertooth. She's barely spending any time with her comrades who she's been with for years before they all go their separate ways, and that's something that annoys Devion to a limit.

With the delay, the guild begin sprinting through the crowds, straight towards the stadium. Narrowing dodging mindless citizens as they race each-other. Some panicking, some hungry and others excited. Yelling apologises to the citizens if they bump into them.

With Devion leading his guild up to their stands which are close to being filled, along with the other guild already on the stadium, the four contenders of Phoenix Feathers race towards their tunnel. Adjusting their attire before wondering out. Devion quickly joining them.

The Blind Dragon Slayer - Rogue Cheney x OC / Reader Fanfic (Fairytail)Where stories live. Discover now