Run Bad Boy Run: Love In A Winter Wonderland (One-Shot Contest Entry)

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Hayden P.O.V.

She rolls over so she is facing me, still fast asleep with the sun shining in through the window, making her glow like an angel. I lay on my side, head propped up by my hand, watching her sleep. Through the window behind her I can see the shimmering snowflakes floating softly to the already snow covered ground. I know I should get up and shovel the driveway, but I just cannot take my eyes off of my beautiful, soon-to-be wife. It is hard to believe that it has been a little over a year since we went to Amsterdam and I proposed to her under the starlit sky; in a few weeks she and I will be together for the rest of our lives.

This gets me thinking of what events are going to happen in our lives in the years to come, like children, what will they look like? Will they get my light gray eyes? Or Ember's ice blue ones? What will their personalities be? Stubborn like their mother or temperamental like me?

Ember stirs in her sleep. I know that she will be waking up soon, so I lean over and plant a soft kiss on her forehead and get up and dressed to go shovel the driveway. I check the temperature before I head out, it's -14 degrees outside, supposed to go down to -22 throughout the day. I open the closet doors and grab my thick winter coat that would keep me warm even in the wide open tundra of Northern Canada, I then grab my gloves, boots, scarf and toque. I'm sliding on my gloves just as I hear Ember walk across our bedroom to the en suite. When I open the front door a wall of freezing cold air hits me straight in the face. I shiver, but head out anyways and grab the shovel that I left leaning against the side of the house last night.


I head inside thankful that there wasn't too much snow on the ground...yet. When I step inside the smell of coffee wafts through the hall to the front door, along with the smell of bacon, eggs and pancakes? Or is that French toast? No it must be waffles! Their Ember's favourite. I take off my boots, open the front door and knock the snow off of the bottoms as quickly as I can as I can feel it getting colder outside already.

When I step into the kitchen I see Ember reading her book at the table her back towards me. She mustn't have heard me come in as she doesn't turn around. When I get closer I see that she has her headphones in, she must be listening to the e-book and reading along at the same time she has done this before and usually ends up hating it for a few months and then the cycle repeats it's self. I sneak up behind her and plant a kiss on her cheek that is so warm compared to how cold my lips feel from being outside. She jumps a foot off her chair at the touch of my colds lips on her soft, warm cheek and whips her headphones out of her ears and turns to face me with that fake "I'm so mad at you" look on her face. I would know if I were really in trouble because her eyes would be so hard it would feel as though she were trying to rip my soul out with them.

"Hayden! Why must you sneak up on me like that?! It's so...childish." she fake scolds me.

"Because you know I have to take advantage of the fact that you have headphones in and can't hear me walk up behind you." I reply honestly.

She lets out a big sigh, gets out of her seat and heads over to the stove where she has left breakfast warming in the frying pans. She grabs a plate from the cupboard beside the microwave and lifts some bacon, scrambled eggs and homemade waffles on to it. She then turns to me and says, "I'm not your maid, Hayden! Come get your own breakfast."

As usual I then take my time getting over to the stove cause as I said earlier, she is just too beautiful for me to take my eyes off of her for too long and I already just about went crazy when I was outside shovelling snow. Ember grabs her plate and heads back over to the table, but not before rolling her eyes at my slow walking over to the stove. I scoop my food on to my plate and grab the Organic Maple Syrup from the fridge and head over to the table. I sit down directly across from her, just so I can see her face. She takes a bite of waffle and looks up at me from her book, gives me a smile that instantly makes my pulse race and goes back to eating and reading her book. I move my hand to grab my fork, but instead it grabs something else. I look over to see my book sitting on the table beside me. HOW DID I MISS THAT?! Usually I'm very observant, I must be loosing my observantry-ness. Then I see something poking out from somewhere inside my book and it is not my book mark, it's something else. Something that looks like a test. A pregnancy test.

My eyes widen. I just sit there staring at an inanimate object sticking out from my book. I must look like a deer in the headlights of a car about to hit me and make me a deer pancake on the road. I shake my head to clear it, squeeze my eyes shut a few times and slap myself across the face both ways and when I look back down... It. Is. Still. There. I think, "Okay. This has got to be Ember's idea of a joke. She's just messing with my head." I then feel the weight of her gaze on me from across the table. I can't bring myself to look up and meet her gaze just yet, so I grab the maple syrup and pour some on my waffles I grab and waffle and just start eating it like a cookie like I've done since I was three.


When I've completely cleared my plate. I still feel Ember's gaze on me from across the table. When I don't meet her gaze, she gets up and walks over to stand beside me. She runs her hand through my hair, which she knows I love, but I don't love it more than her, she would kill me if I did. I lean my head into her hand that she keeps running through my hair. Eventually she stops, but leaves her hand on the back of my head. She says my name so softly I almost don't hear it. "Hayden." she says. She leans down, which isn't too far because of her being so short. She leans her forehead against the side of my head so that her mouth is right beside my ear. "You're going to be a daddy." she says directly into my ear, which she knows I cannot ignore. I turn my head to look at her I stare into her eyes trying to see if she is tricking me or not. For once I can't tell.

"You are going to be a daddy, Hayden... But not today! In a few years maybe, but definitely not anytime soon!" she says with the biggest evil grin on her face. "By the way I would sanitize your book pages before you touch them, cause that is not a stick I peed on, it's Cassie's! But you can't tell Cory yet, she's going to tell him tonight at dinner."

I just sit there frozen in my seat. My jaw feels like it should be hitting the floor it has dropped so far. I know part of the reason for the grin on her face, it's because she is laughing at my expression. "Emmy! Why do you have to scare me like that! I almost ran out to the store and brought a whole bunch of baby stuff!" I half whine, half flat out complain.

"Oh Hayden! Stop talking like a five year old and do the dishes. We need to go to the store and get groceries for dinner. Cory and Cassie are joining us tonight." she says in reply to how my voice sounded, in her authoritative "I'm your wife, so you will do what I say or else..." voice.


When we pull in the driveway from the store, Ember hops out and grabs the food that needs to go directly into the freezer, leaving the rest of the bags for me to carry in. Once she's gone inside I close my door and lean against it. I let out a big groan, still trying to forget about Ember's nasty little trick this morning.

I grab the bags and head inside. When I set the bags on the counter I check what time it is. 3:35 pm. Wow... Time travels fast. I start unpacking the bags when I hear Ember start to head back up the stairs from the basement freezer. I'm about to put the asparagus in the veggie bin when Ember comes and grabs it out of my hand. She swiftly grabs the margarine from the fridge at the same time and heads straight over to the counter. She grabs the pepper and sets it with the asparagus and margarine and heads over to another drawer I the kitchen and grabs the tin foil out of it.

I lean my elbows on the bar counter as she prepares food for dinner tonight. I watch as without thinking she moves across the kitchen to the cupboard where she keeps all the plastic food storage containers and salad bowls. She grabs her favourite salad bowl, as I knew she would. It's a ceramic, green on the outside, white on the inside bowl that came in a set with three others. The set was a present to my grandmother from my grandfather for their 25th wedding anniversary. My mother gave them to me one day when I was over for a visit while Ember was away on a trip with Cassie and her mum, she told me to give them to Ember when she would least expect to get a present, that it would make her extremely happy.

Winter Wonderland (Short Story- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now