Run Bad Boy Run: Love In A Winter Wonderland

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Ember P.O.V.

Standing in my room at the resort in Amsterdam, I feel so nervous I feel like I'm going to shake my skin right off if I don't calm down. Right then I hear a knock on my door, as I grab the handle to open it the person on the other side grabs it and holds the door shut. "Ember. It's Hayden." he says through the door. I freeze.

"It's bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony you know." I say to him, my voice quivering a little. I know that he probably heard it.

"I know Emmy. I just wanted to talk to you again. You know, before all the girls arrive and block me from even coming near your room." he says. He sounds a little sad when he says that Paris, Gianna, Gabby and Felicity will stop him from coming near me at all before the ceremony. I feel a swell of sympathy for him rise up inside me and clog up my chest. This is when I decide to just poke my hand out the door for him to hold. He quickly grabs a hold of my hand like his life depended on it.

"I need to feel your hand in mine. Just once before the ceremony." I say. "The girls will be here soon and will freak out if they see you even within 25 feet of this hallway."

"I know they will." he says as he grabs a hold of my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze. My voice must still be quivering a little.

My phone buzzes on the table beside me. I pick it up with my one free hand and look at the screen. It's a text from Gabby. 'Just picked up Paris and Paolo from the ap. B there in .5 hr'

"The girls will be here in half an hour Gabby time." I say to Hayden through the door, still holding on to his hand. " I wish I could look at your face." I add holding back a sniffle.

"You can if you really want to Emmy. No one is here to stop you yet." he replies. "It's just...well...'bad luck'."

"I think I can hold on until I see you at the alter at 6." I reply back to him hoping my voice isn't as quaky as before.

"I guess you can always just stare at your phone screen." he says with a chuckle. I smile at the sound of him chuckling. Then I hear loud voices getting closer. It undeniably the girls. Paolo must have been picked off by the guys at the reception desk.

"You better get out of here quickly, Hayden! Hurry befo- !" I don't get to finish my sentence as I hear Gianna, Gabby, Felicity and Paris all of a sudden stop talking. Most likely at the site of Hayden standing outside my room, holding my hand. I quickly pull my hand out of his and he bolts out the nearest exit door to escape the wrath of the bridesmaids. When I hear the door close behind him I poke my head out the door and look at the girls still frozen in place eyes wide and mouths gaping in the direction of where Hayden was standing two minutes ago. They unfreeze as soon as they see me though and all start talking loud words of shame on Hayden and I for going near each other before the ceremony as they make their way down the rest of the hall to my room. When they reach my room I quickly get out of their way and flatten myself against the wall as they all walk in having moved on from words of shame to what ways they're going to all do their hair for the wedding because they all can't possibly wear their hair the same way and then there is my hair do to remember not to copy and blah blah blah. I just stand at the start of the room from the short hallway you walk through after going through the door. I watch them all trying to figure out who's bridesmaid dress is who's and who is going to do this person's hair.

The twins ended up doing everyone's hair since they're the best at that sort of thing. We all got some type of braid somewhere in our hair. Then they all helped me get my dress on so it didn't mess up my hair or makeup. My dress fit as perfectly as the day I brought it. With it's sweetheart neckline and ruching slightly diagonal across my stomach. The skirt had to have some extra tool but in to make it easier for me to walk and it made the dress look better too; the top layer was a layer of creamy silk with white lace on top. After my dress was on the girls all helped each other with their navy dresses.

After about twenty minutes we were all ready it was about 5:20 so we still had a little while until we had to head to the festivities hall. So we all quickly went over our outfits and made sure we had everything. Earrings, bracelets, shoes, rings. I decided that now was probably the time to give them their thank you gifts for being my brides maids. While they were all fussing with each others dresses I snuck over to the washroom where I had stashed their presents in one of the drawers. I grabbed their presents and walked back out into the room.

"Guys! Can you all stop fussing please, it's making me nervous." I said. They all froze where they were and looked at me. "I got you all something for being the best friends I could have ever asked for and for supporting me through the long, extremely long process of planning this beautiful day."

"Ember! You didn't have to get us anything! Your friendship is all we need." says Felicity.

"But I wanted to get you guys something. So sit down on the bed and I'll give them to you." I say. They quickly all move to sit on the bed.

As they all settled on the bed a knock came from the door. "Ember, Hayden forgot his tie can you please hand it to me." Cory said from the other side of the door. I quickly moved from almost giving the girls their presents to grabbing Hayden's turquoise tie from the back of a chair and moving to give it to Cory.

After Cory left I moved back to the girls and asked them to please hold out their hands flat. I then placed the mint green Tiffany boxes in their hands. Once they each had one they all slowly opened the boxes, their eyes all widening and jaws dropping in surprise. Inside each of the boxes laying on a soft padded surface were silver heart pendants on silver chains.

"Ember! It's beautiful!" they all said in unison. They then all quickly helped each other with putting their necklaces on. We all then quickly grabbed our bouquets and scurried out the door to the festivities hall that was just across a small patch of driveway. When I entered the hall that I would walk through before reaching the isle that had Hayden at the end of it.

As I stand waiting for the ceremony to start I feel my stomach doing backwards and forward flips like a gymnast. My mother appears through the doorway that I will walk through in just a few minutes to walk down the isle to Hayden. The love of my life. When I see his face I know that my nerves will be instantly calmed as I will see the same happen to him. My mother entwines her arm and fingers with mine, the girls all line up just like they did in our many rehearsals and we all take slow steady steps through the doorway. As I turn my head to look down the isle and I see Hayden standing at the alter with a smile that stretches from ear to ear on his face. I feel a smile spread across my face as I slowly get closer to him.


"I'm so tired and my feet are killing me!" I say as Hayden and I walk into our room at the Hotel Alpenblick.

"I know the feeling.: Hayden says.

"You weren't wearing high heels for the past fourteen hours, Hayden." I reply.

"Well then let me solve that problem." he says as he comes up behind me and picks me up swinging me up so that both of his muscular arms are holding me in the air. I let out a loud sound that is a mix between a shout and a laugh. The sound and look on my face made Hayden laugh too as he tossed me onto our bed in my wedding dress.

As I laid on our bed I could feel my eyes about to clank shut like heavy metal doors and they did.

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