Chapter Four:

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The next day we left the house, leading us back on the road again. It felt good to be out of that house, knowing that I may not know what could happen next, since of my previous experiences. We walked in the middle of the road, on the yellow lines. It was always something that I wanted to do, just with cars passing me, not the street being empty. Chandler finally spoke up, making the silence go to sleep, making me so much happy, I didn't have to do all the talking. He shared jokes and stories of what he heard as a kid, making me laugh of how he said it or how he meant it. Chandler really is a sweet, funny guy, and over protective. I noticed that when we left the house and noticed something walking towards us on the road. He quickly stopped walking and put his hand towards me, letting me know when to stop. I stopped and looked at him.

"What is it?" I asked as he looked at the man

"A walker" he said

"A what?" I asked

He looked at me "A walker, that's what I call them"

I nodded "That's neat"

He pulled out his knife as the 'Walker' came closer. "Your neat" he said

I smiled as he stabbed the monster in the head, causing both of them to fall. I smiled and helped him up.

"Thanks" he said as he cleaned off the dirt from his clothes

"Your welcome" I said cleaning off his shoulder "You missed a spot"

He smiled "Thanks, again"

I smiled as we kept walking, not knowing where we were going.

"How did you learn to kill with a sword?" he asked as he ran to catch up with me

"I just swing," I said "Why, does it look like I'm professional at it?"

"You always look professional to me" he said and smiled, me looking away

"What about you and your gun?" I asked looking at him

"My dad taught me," he said and put his knife back "His job was teaching people how to protect themselves"

I nodded "That's a neat job"

"Yea, he got paid lots" he said sarcastically 

"I bet" I said as we stopped, the street coming to a dead end.

I looked behind the sign, seeing a field that leads to the highway. I looked at him and he nodded. I walked behind the sign and into the field, him doing the same. Long wheat came up to our knees as we walked. It was nice to see only the field and not any buildings, it was calming, I enjoyed it.

"Oh god, Jesus" he said as he almost tripped over a rock

I laughed as he grabbed on to me, making both of us fall. Me falling next to him as he pulled me down.

"Ow, Jesus, Fuck" he said as I smiled, I looked up at the sun and then at him "That fucking hurt"

"I guess you need to watch your step" I said and smiled as he just looked at me then at the sky.

"Maybe, or you need to give me a warning first, on what's on the ground" he said as I laughed

"Yea, cause I look at the ground, I'm apologie" I said

He laughed. We laid there for a few minutes, then I got up, cleaning off my back as he got up. We continued walking. A few hours later, we made it out of the field and into another house. Since the sun was setting and we didn't see any other houses. We walked inside and checked it out. Once it was clear we met back in the living room.

"Will you help me with the couch?" he asked

"Yeah" I said as we both put down our bags

I walked to him and helped push the couch. We stopped for a minute so that we can move our hands. We started to push again as I felt something sharp in my finger.

"Ow! Fuck" I said as I let go of the couch, looking at my finger in the darkness, seeing blood running down my finger.

"Oh god," he said as he looked at it "There's a first aid kit in the bathroom, come on"

He lead the way to the bathroom as I sat on the the toilet seat. looking at my cut through the window light. It was deep, really deep.

"Let me see" he said as he looked at it, "Jesus, that's deep"

"Yea" I said "I think may need stitches"

He pulled open the door to under the sink, seeing a first aid kit, pulling that out and setting it on the top of the sink. "Probably, but it's going to hurt like a bitch"

"I know," I said as my finger started to hurt more, I bit my lip. God, this sucks.

He started looking through the kit, "I'm not finding no nettle"

More blood ran down from my finger, hitting the bathroom floor. He grabbed a towel and put it around my finger, causing more pain.

"I'm sorry" he said as he looked at my finger, then me, then back to my finger. "Let me look really quick"

I nodded as he ran out of the bathroom, trying to get to searching fast. I placed pressure on my finger to stop it from bleeding so much as it was, causing me to let out a yelp.

"Ow! Fuck me!" I yelled as Chandler came running

"Thank god for a sewing kit" he said as he placed it on the sink, moving the first aid kit to the floor. He opened the sewing kit and grabbed a nettle. He opened the mirror and pulled out something. He closed the mirror and looked at what he had in his hand. "And dental floss"

"Oh god, Chandler" I said as he pulled out dental floss and started to put it through the top of the needle.

"This is going to hurt" he said as he removed the towel, starting to already stitch me up.

"Oh motherfucker" I said as he continued

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he said looking down at my finger

"Chandler," I said as I grabbed his shoulder with my free hand, him still focusing on my finger.

"Almost done, Olivia, hold on" he said as less blood ran down my hand

"My god" I said and bit my lip, as he finished, him checking for a pair of scissors, I looked at my finger and saw more blood. "Oh god,"

He stopped and looked at my hand, him running down the hall into one of the bedrooms. Even though it was sewn up, it was bleeding a lot. He came back running into the bathroom and cutting the dental floss. He got on his knees and looked through the first aid kit on the floor.

"Why is it bleeding so much?" I asked as blood ran down my hand and hit the floor again.

"I don't know," he said as he found a bandage. He grabbed a washcloth and wiped the blood, then opened the bandage package and put it on my finger. He started to relax, we both looked at each other.

"Thank you" I said

He gave a small smile "Anytime"


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