Chapter Twelve:

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We walked to the main counter, glass so that you can see what kind is what, kind of like a gun shop. Something I haven't seen in a gun store before. I looked at the guns up top as he looked around.

"I don't know what type of ammo you use" I said as he looked the other way.

"Me either to be honest" he said as I gave out a small laugh, him smiling "Whatever fits, I guess."

"Okay, well, pick a box and see if the bullet fits" I said.

"Good plan" he said as he walked away to the other part of the counter. "You need anything?"

I shook my head "I only use a sword."

He nodded and looked back at the counter. My eyes went back to the guns on the high shelf, seeing all types and sizes of guns. I saw a small one like the one I used to kill my mother, flashbacks entering my head. I came home from school that day, gun in her hand, blood on the carpet and the window. She came close and I shot hitting her in the chest, began to cry as I apologized. I wish that day never even happened, but everything happens for a reason.

A horse's yelp broke my thoughts, I quickly looked at the door, seeing Chandler doing the same standing on the counter to reach. I couldn't see out the door from where I was at, but the horse didn't stop. Chandler jumped down from the counter as we both ran outside, seeing the horse being attacked by walkers. I tried to run to it but Chandler held me back.

"No, theirs to many!" he said as we heard a growl.

We both turned our heads to see walkers coming around the counter.

"Shit, get inside" he said as I obeyed him, running inside, trying to find something to block the door, but couldn't find anything. "Olivia?"

"The supply closet" I said running to it, surprisingly finding it unlocked, showing the darkness.

We both ran in, Chandler closing the door, shutting the light out, putting his back to it. I moved my arms around trying to find a shelf or anything to block the door. I found a shelf and started to push it towards the sound of banging on the door. I then felt the shelf become lighter, easier to push, hearing Chandler's breathing next to me. Once the shelf was in place, I heard Chandler looking for something in his bag, pulling out something, turning it on, creating light. I looked at him, him pointing the flashlight at me feet.

"You okay?" he asked.

I nodded, trying to catch our breaths. "You?"

"Yea," He said looking around the room for a moment, until his flashlight started flashing, telling us that the batteries are running low. "Dammit. Do you have a light source."

I took off my backpack and pulled out a candle and a lighter, from the house before. He came closer as he pointed the light to the candle. I flicked the lighter on and put it to the candle, causing light. He turned off of the flashlight and put in on the ground, knowing that it was useless until if we find any more batteries.

"What now?" I asked as he looked around, then at me.

"I guess we wait" he said as he looked towards the door.

I nodded and sat up against the wall, putting my knees to my chest, my hands on them. Chandler looked at me and sighed.

"We're probably going to be in here for a while" he said, sitting down next to me.

"I thought so" I said.

We sat their in silence for a moment, until he spoke up. "We probably should blow out the candle, we may need it again."

I nodded as Chandler looked at me.

He grabbed the candle and blew it out, leaning his back against the wall. "Olivia?"

"Yea?" I asked as I closed my eyes.

"Can I hold your hand?" he asked.

I smiled, "Why are you even asking me?"

He gave a small laugh, "Trying to show my manners."

I smiled and grabbed his hand "Yes, you can hold my hand whenever."

"Thank you" he said with a smile.

"Welcome" I said, leaning my head on his shoudler, him smiling.


It has been hours in the room. And finally, the door banging stopped. I guess they gave up or they found something else to do. Of course, Chandler fell asleep. Thats fine, I don't mind, he needed it. I mean, I would fall sleep, but I'm afraid of having another bad dream about him, something I don't need. I sighed and looked at him, the only light being the light that came under the door. I know, that sounds stalker like, but he was the only thing that was interesting. I studied the way he breathed, and the way his head was facing the other way. I smiled every time he had an itch on his nose. I looked straight ahead and put my head up against the wall. Chandler sat forward and turned towards me, wrapping his arms around me and putting his head on my shoudler, his hat falling to the floor. I didn't know how to react. My arms were pinned down by his arms wrapped around me, I couldn't move. I'm the kind of person that doesn't like to disturb people when their sleeping, and if I do and I wake them up, I end up feeling really bad. I began to close my eyes fall sleep, but I heard noise from outside. My eyes shot open as the noise started coming forward. I looked back at Chandler and quickly moved his arms. I got up and walked towards the door, moving the shelfs and slowly opening the door. As the bright light shined in the room, I put my hand in front of my eyes and tried to get used to the light.

I looked around and heard more sound, coming from the other side of the store. I slowly pulled out my sword and slowly started walking to the other side. A walker came towards me, and before I could do anything, a bullet shot went off, sending the body to the floor, making stepping out of view, around the counter and holding my breath.

"Got another one, Daryl!" a man yelled, kind of sounding like a red neck.

"David, get back to work!" the other one shouted.

I closed my eyes as I heard foot steps coming my way. I put my hand over my mouth and wished something would happen. As soon as I opened my eyes, I jumped. Chandler had his gun out and was standing in front of me, out of their view. He looked at me and smiled. I moved my hand, about to say something, but Chandler stopped it. He put his own hand over my mouth, the hand with the gun, he put one finger to his mouth, telling me to stay quiet. I heard footsteps come near as the talking stopped. Shit, we're fucked. We're really, really fucked.

"David, what the fuck are you doing?!?!?!?" Daryl asked him,

"I thought I heard something" David said, his voice seeming closer then before.

"It was probably a rat," Daryl said "Come on, we have other places to clear before the sun sets"

David sighed as footsteps went away, and the two men left. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. Then opened my eyes, looking at Chandler with a raised eyebrow. He just looked at me for a moment and moved his hand.

"Sorry, I was making sure that they left" he said.

I nodded, as I saw my bag on his shoudler. "Can I have it?"

Chandler looked down and took it off, "Yea, sorry."

I put it on "You're fine."

We stood their for a moment before anything happened.

"Where to now?" I asked.

"Don't know, anywhere else besides this" he said.


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