Chapter Eight:

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It's been a few weeks now, us traveling, heading no where. We got along very well, I'd say, were now really close. Like, really close. But not as close as I would like us to be. I fallen more and more in love with him everyday. His looks, his voice, everything about him, makes me love him more. The way he would hold me at night and the way he was so, and I mean so overprotective was cute. He gave me comfort in everything he did. Everything we did.

I walked down the hallway and into the kitchen, seeing him look through his bags.

"Is this it?" he asked holding up one of the cans

"Yea," I said and sat on the counter, next to the sink "Only six more"

"I swear we had more" he said and opened the can "Wanna share?"

I nodded "Sure"

He grabbed forks and sat on the counter next to me, giving me a fork with a smile. I grabbed the fork and returned the smile. We sat there and ate the can of meat. We looked into the can and saw one bite of left.

"You can have it" he said as he put the food on his fork

"You sure?" I asked "You do eat a lot"

He smiled "Sure"

He pulled the fork out of the can and I opened my mouth, him feeding me. I smiled as I chewed my food, him placing the can next to him. I shallowed as he returned his eyes to me, us staring at each other. He licks his lips and looked at mine again. Nope! Not gonna happen. It's gonna be like last time, a HUGE mistake. He leaned in and placed his hand on my jawline. He slowly placed his lips on mine. Oh. My. God. This. Can't. Be. Happening. What the hell do I do? But I was way ahead my thoughts, I placed my hand on the back on his head as we moved our lips. We kissed for a while, until he pulled away and got down. Fuck, did I do something? I then felt him pull my legs apart, him standing in front of me, kissing me again. This time, I ran my fingers through his hair, God, this feels so good. I can't stop, I won't. I then felt his head move, him looking at me as we were breathing heavy. He looked me in the eye as I did the same.

"My god" he whispered, kissing behind my ear as I smiled "Wanna go lay down?"

"Yea," I said as I felt his hands under my legs, carrying me into the room. He opened the door and walked to the bed, laying me down and him getting on me, kissing my neck. "Chandler"

"Uhmmm....." he said

I ran my fingers through his hair, as he moved his lips to mine, kissing me gently. He slowly pulled away and looked down at me.

"I don't get how your so beautiful" he said running his hand through my hair

"It's because I'm part of your imagination, and everything in your imagination is beautiful" I said as he smiled

"Then my imagination is real" he said, placing a kiss on my forehead. "And I wouldn't like it any other way."

I gave a small smile as he got off and laid right beside me, pulling the blankets up and putting his head by my shoudler. I closed my eyes as he ran his hand over the side of my body, relaxing me. I opened my eyes as he smelled me.

"Why are you smelling me?" I asked

"I wanted to see what you smelled like," he said smelling me again "And you smell good"

I laughed "Okay, stop lying"

He smiled and kissed the side of my face "You know I'm not."


I woke up in the middle of night to rain. It kind of freaked me out, knowing that I haven't heard rain in a while. I sat up and looked around, it was dark as hell. I stood up and felt my way to the dresser, seeing a candle and a lighter. I picked up the candle and smelled it. My god, peppermint, I love the smell of peppermint. I slowly grabbed the lighter and turned it on, causing a flame and brightening the room a little bit. Will this attract them? This shouldn't. And if it does? Were both dead. I turned and looked at Chandler, seeing him sleeping, his arm laying over where I'm supposed to be. I then looked back at the lighter. I moved my finger, causing the flame to go out. I quietly set it down and walked back to the bed. I gently moved his arm and laid down, setting his arm on me and pulling the blankets up. He moved to his side to face me as he let out a deep breath. I smiled and stared at the ceiling. Counting the glow in the dark stars.


I turned and looked at him, seeing him still asleep. Maybe it's part of my head, but it sounded real.


I turned and looked at the dresser, seeing Chandler. His hat was cut in the shape of a bite mark, his clothes were ripped, hickeys were on his neck, marks of old scars were on his arms, he looked so pale.

"Don't leave me, please" he said

"Chandler?" I asked

"Don't fucking leave me!" he yelled

I sat up, layered in sweat, my heart racing, my breathing turning heavy. It was a dream, my god. I put my hands on my chest and hoped my breathing would clam down.

"Olivia?" Chandler said sitting up and looking at me "Are you alright?"

"Chandler," I said, moving my hands down, one pulling at his pants.

"Olivia, it's okay, clam down" he said as moved to sit behind me, pulling me in his arms, "It's alright, calm your breathing"

But I couldn't. I was having an anxiety attack. I couldn't control anything. My hand gripped tighter on his pants and the other one against the blankets. This is scary.

"Olivia, breathe like me, in and out, come on, in and out" he said, breathing like he said.

I tried to breathe like him, I did, but I couldn't. Tears fell from my eyes and down my face.

"Come on, Olivia, you can do this" he said, putting one of his hands on my chest and the other one around me tighter, "Control your breathing, breathe like me"

I felt his heart beating. I didn't know how from this angle. But I felt it, and heard it. It was beating so fast, it blocked out everything else, I only focused on it. Was he scared? Was he scared for me? Of me?

"Olivia, please," I heard him say, in a voice that seemed like it was echoing. It sounded like a cry.

His heart was beating faster and louder. Did he not know what to do? Or.......Was he scared of losing me?

"Their we go, Olivia" he said as every sound went back to normal.

I noticed my breathing was slowly down back to normal, but his hands never loosened. My grip on his pants and the blankets loosened, as I got my breathing under control.

"Chandler...." I tried to say

"Shhh.......It's okay, I'm here, I'm not gonna leave you" he whispered in my ear "Your fine now, it's alright"

My eyes widened as I remembered last night: "Don't fucking leave me!"


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