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This concept is very popular, and I hope no one thinks I am copying them. If i do steal an idea of yours, I apologize now and I am very sorry for doing that and it was a mistake on my part. Please message me for any confusion!
I wake up and feel a rush a pain run through my torso. I remember the beating from last night from my foster parents. Jeff and Carol are brutal. They don't feed the average three meals, give me new clothes, or treat me like their child, they treat me like a servant, but still worse. I have to cook their meals, clean their house, and more. I stand up from my mattress with only a single pillow and no blankets or anything else. I walk into the bathroom and see a bruise on my check and my lip was split open. If I wasn't so good with makeup I don't know what I would do. I cover up my bruise with some concealer and apply some lipstick to try and cover up my lip. I then hurry to get dressed so I can cook Jeff and Carol breakfast.

I rush downstairs and luckily Jeff and Carol aren't down there. I quickly make them scrambled eggs and toast with some fruit. They don't feed me and I was about to eat a couple raspberries but they walked down before I could have some. When I was with my parents, they were my favorite fruit and we would always get them. I haven't had them in four years and I forgot what they taste like. I give Carol and Jeff their breakfast, say goodbye to them and make my way out the door.

My school is only a five minute walk away from the house. I plug my headphones into my phone and listen to "Hamilton", I love Broadway musicals and "Hamilton" is one of my favorites. I am so happy I walk by the Richard Rogers Theater everyday on my way to school.

I arrive at school and walk to my first period, Algebra. You could say I am one of the smarter kids in my grade since I am taking two high school classes in eighth grade, but I don't wanna brag. I finish all my work in the first fifteen minutes with another thirty left to spare. I pull out my copy of "Alexander Hamilton" by Rob Chernow, and pick up from where I left off last time. I get sucked into the book and before I know the bell rings. The next two classes were boring, I had English, and Science. Next was Life Skills, one of the classes that was either very fun or very boring. Today we were starting the sewing which I was very bad at and usually got a good laugh out of my friends when I sewed. This was the one class I had with my best friend, Emily. We both loved Broadway but she she's a bigger fan of Phillipa Soo, Emily can be kinda of a stalker, but she's still amazing.  We were practicing sewing with machines today and had to do a curved line, straight line, and two corners. I sewed the straight line but it was kinda crooked. "Emily," I called out to my friend sitting across from me, "how does it look?" I said while showing her my crooked straight line.

"It looks good, but, I think your curves should be more curvier," she explains.

"That's my straight line!" I exclaim while throwing my scrap of fabric at her.

The bell rings and another period has already passed by. Next was lunch but I don't get to eat since my parents don't give me lunch or money to buy any. Today she noticed I wasn't eating still and assumed something was wrong. "Elizabeth, what's wrong? I haven't seen you eat anything the past three months," coincidentally, that's how long I have been living with Jeff and Carol. "You need to eat something," she said sliding me her cookie.

"No, but thank you. I'm not hungry," I said, but I was lying. I was starving, but I didn't want to take Emily's food away from her. 

"Come on just eat it," Emily before I started shaking my head. "Elizabeth Rose Gardiner, I will shove this cookie in your mouth if you do not eat it."

I obliged and ate the cookie. It was good, I wish I wasn't so stubborn and took it earlier. I savored every last bite. The next bell rang and it was time for History, my favorite class even though I think the teacher hated me. He never called on me and hated when I asked questions and sometimes corrected him, but it was for the good of the class. Today we were learning about the duel of 1804. Man was I gonna be good at this, Mr. Work was definitely gonna hate me after today.

"July 11th, 1804. Early in the morning, Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton were riding across the Hudson River to Weehawken, New Jersey. Later that day, Hamilton was dead and Burr was wanted for murder," Mr. Work said as he introduced today's lesson, but I think he was wrong about something.

"Mr. Work," I say as I raise my hand. "Didn't Hamilton die the next day, July 12th, 1804?" I ask. Mr. Work walked back to his desk to check and I was right. Like I said before, I am pretty smart. I put my hand behind me, and Emily high fives me. Class went by fast surprisingly, Mr. Work made a couple more mistakes and corrected some of them, mostly the big ones. For a History teacher, you think he would know more right information than wrong.

Final class of the day and by far the easiest. Spanish came easy for me. Apparently if you are good with music, learning a foreign language is easy. I used to take voice lessons, four years ago. That's how long I've been in the system sadly, and still haven't had any hope of adoption. Most homes are abusive or only want the money. I don't know how the abusive homes get approved, the social workers must be oblivious. Right on cue, the bell rings. I take my time at my locker, I don't wanna go to back to Jeff and Carol's house. I'm not calling it home because it's not my home, its only shelter or the place I live, nothing more.

I am about to walk out the school doors before Emily stopped me. "Hey!" she exclaimed.

"Hi, I was just about to head home," I say as I try to walk around her before she stops me.

"Well, I think we should hang out and watch "Heathers", I know it's your favorite movie," Emily asks while smirking at me.

"I don't think Jeff and Carol would approve," I explain while Emily is still smirking. "Fine!" I cave and we walk to my house. We arrive my house and only Carol's car is in the driveway. "Emily? Wait here please. If I'm not back in ten minutes, you can go home, sorry if I don't return," I say before I walk inside.

"Carol?" I gently ask.

Carol stumbles down the stairs, "What do you want?" She was clearly drunk.

"Can I go hang out with my friend this afternoon?" I ask bracing myself and expecting a beating.

"Sure, you have two hours," wow, Carol said yes, I make my way to the door but I hear her add, "but be before 5:15 or you starve." I turn around a nod then walk outside to tell Emily we can head to her house.

I explain to Emily we only have two hours but I don't tell her why. We decide to have a dance party to "In The Heights", we would have chosen "Hamilton", but we didn't have time. When "It Won't Be Long" comes on I start singing. Gosh, I love that song. I notice halfway through Emily stopped singing too, I wonder why. She sang the Usnavi and Sonny part, while I continued with the Vanessa part. I finish the song "But one day-I'm walking to JFK and I'm gonna fly. It won't be long now, any day."

The song finished and Emily paused the music before Inultil, "Elizabeth, whoa. You never told you could sing like that! You're so good!"

"Thanks Emily," I say before I hug her. "Now play that music!" I exclaim. She plays the music.

We get to 96,000 the best song and completely jam out. Apparently Emily recorded me singing this time. I hope she doesn't do anything embarrassing with it. A couple more songs pass and I look at the clock and it read- 5:12, oh no.

I quickly tell Emily goodbye and rush out the door. I sprint home and bump into a man that looks vaguely familiar. He see his face, it's Lin-Manuel Miranda.

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