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Act two was starting and I sitting in my room watching Daveed run around on stage while singing What I'd Miss. I turned down the volume of the monitor, and turned on Rent. I was doing whatever possible to distract myself. Light My Candle comes on which is my favorite song. It's quickly ruined by Sean walking in and asking about his phone.

"Hey baby, I think I left my phone here?" He asks.
"I would look on 47th street maybe on the sidewalk, I threw it out the window," I tell him with a straight tone and without looking at him.

"Why would you do that?" He says being innocent.

"I'm not an idiot, I know you cheated." Still not paying him any attention and watching Mimi and Roger begin their relationship.

"I don't understand," he replies while stepping in between me and the tv.

"You know after our date, you got it on and send some pictures to some girl, don't play stupid."

"Baby I-"

"Don't even, just leave," I say, and shove him out the door.

I sit back down on my couch and just process what happened. He cheated on me? I thought he really cared. I go to my bed, and lie down. I fall asleep not much later still with random thoughts running through my mind.

Lin's POV
I run off stage after a great show, I go to check on Elizabeth. I see she has fallen fast asleep and let her sleep. I take my costume off, putting my street clothes back on. I sit down, and open up my computer to start writing. I wasn't going to leave Elizabeth alone, while she was a sleep. Well, she does sleep alone in the theater every night, but I didn't want her to wake up all confused and everything. I begin to write, a few minutes later Elizabeth wakes up and I begin to shut down my computer for the night.

"Is it morning?" Elizabeth asks me while sitting up and stretching.

"It's only 10:45, I was waiting for you to wake up to leave," I answer while standing up. "I'm gonna head out, good night" I tell her as I give her a hug and head out the door.

I walk down the stairs while putting my backpack on my back. I head out the stage door to sign a few playbills and take a few pictures before walking home. V and I's apartment wasn't far from the theater, just a few blocks away. I make it to our building and take the elevator up to the second to top floor and make my way over to my apartment and unlock the door.

Walking in, I find V with Sebastian, I greet both of them with hugs and kisses telling V, "I wanna adopt her."

"Elizabeth? The girl you're fostering at the theatre?" She questions.

"Yes, I want to adopt her."

Elizabeth's POV
I walk back into my room after an eventful day. I was too lazy to even put on pajamas, so I flop down onto my bed with my clothes from earlier flipping Rent back on and drifting into deep sleep.



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