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Before the errant scars and dying stars
Every second that you take to fake your life
Stop and stare
At the accidents and stars that bore you
We don't dare to sing another song for California

We Don't Need Another Song About California | My Chemical Romance

The title is misleading don't worry :)

Phil feels eyes on him as he walks through the city streets, clinging desperately to the backpack he carries on his shoulders. It's heavy, but not so heavy that it would stop him from running if he needs to.

Every time a man in a suit or sunglasses appears in his peripherals Phil finds himself veering in the other direction, eyes peeled for somebody following him, or talking into an earpiece - talking to somebody who isn't there.

Once, Phil is startled by a woman on a mobile phone, believing her to be talking into one of said earpieces and feeling immensely stupid when she turns at his flinch only to see the piece of metal glinting as its pressed up against her ear. She gives him a strange look, and he bolts in the other direction.

It's all for naught though as he stops in his tracks, Fate standing in the centre of the street not ten meters ahead of him, the crowd moving around her. She's facing away from him, and Phil watches as her head turns to the side, her eyes rising to meet his. She grins, and all too suddenly Phil is yanked backwards, strong arms pulling him into the van that had pulled up behind him as he was staring at Fate.

Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid.

His backpack is yanked off his shoulders as his hands are cuffed behind his back and Phil scowls as Armitage grins at him, leaning back casually against the wall, perched on a bench that runs the length of the van.

"Phil, nice to see you!" The man takes his backpack out of the arms of one of his henchmen and peers inside. "Going somewhere?"

Phil says nothing, just turns the fear he feels building in the pit of his stomach into the most steely, Dan-like glare he can muster, and raises his chin defiantly.

Armitage just grins wider, if that's even possible.


They take him to the same place as last time, their first mistake since Phil knows his way around the area easily enough by now, and uncuff his hands before shoving him into a cell. Another mistake.

He never realised before, but the CIA really know nothing about this Prophecy business. None of them really seem sure how to handle Phil, always checking if they should be doing something, throwing a lot of confused glances when they think Phil won't notice. A month ago, Phil wouldn't have. Hell, a week ago he didn't.

Now he notices.

Their third mistake, is when they leave him alone. Presumably it's to make him feel anxious, make him wait to be interrogated so that the nerves can set in.
But Phil remembers Fate, the look in her eyes before he was taken, remembers the key around his neck, one he'd already used once to escape the clutches of Armitage and his men - one they seemingly overlooked, in their confusion.

He stares at it in his hand for a moment, doubtful of whether it'll work a second time, before dismissing that thought and quickly whipping it over his head, wrapping his arms around the bars of his cage to fit the key into the lock. "Please." He whispers, and the lock turns.

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