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You help yourself to a handful of John's berries. They're lovely colours - different shades of pinks, purples, and deep reds. They remind you a bit of that mixed berries yoghurt that you love so much, so why shouldn't you eat them?

The only problem is the taste. They aren't like raspberries or blackberries or any other berry you've come across. They're kind of bitter and leave a weird taste in your mouth.

"Mmm, delicious!" you say nevertheless, not wanting to hurt John's feelings.

He smiles at you and starts sifting through the rest of the food. You turn your back and try to spit out your mouthful without anyone seeing. The weird taste is still in your mouth and you can't shake it.

Then you feel an odd bubbling sensation deep within your stomach. It starts yo hurt like crazy. You clutch yourself, hoping and praying that the pain goes away. After about two minutes, it does. You're so relieved.

Then you have a severe allergic reaction to the strange berries, which causes your face to go blotchy and drop off, and your bottom to explode.

You die.


(Go back and choose another adventure!)

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