Chapter 3. ANNIE

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I woke up to the sound of fighting.

"Why didn't you tell me you kissed my sister?" Caleb yelled.

"I was gonna tell you this morning, Caleb, I swear—"

"Well then why didn't you mention it?!" Caleb shot back.

"Because you just woke up and I didn't want to ruin your day!" Brennan explained. "And how do you know Annie and I kissed?"

I was about to get up, but I decided to pretend to be asleep so I could hear this.

"Dude, I was sitting behind you during the whole movie. Do you think I didn't see it?" Caleb said.

"Well, you got me there." Brennan agreed. "But listen, Caleb; Annie and I aren't dating and we won't date. She sees me as a second brother, and I don't think she likes me the way I like her. I was the one to kiss her, and she only kissed back to be polite and not hurt my feelings because she's a nice girl. I'm sorry that I hurt her, Caleb, trying to force her to like me. If you want, we don't have to be friends anymore, because you probably hate me." Brennan sighed and I could hear him start to walk away.

"Brennan, wait!" Caleb called out.

"Yeah?" Brennan asked.

Caleb walked over. "I'm sorry, I overreacted. I guess I'm just an overprotective big brother. I just want Annie to be happy, and you too, because you're my friend. Our friendship isn't gonna end over this, okay?"

I opened my eyes to see Brennan nod and grin. "Thanks, Caleb. You're a good brother and friend."

They did a bro hug and then I saw Brennan look in my direction. "She's awake!"

Everyone crowded around me as if I just came back to life. "Ern...good morning, everyone." I pretended to yawn like I just woke up.

"Nice one, Annie. I know you heard the whole thing." Caleb said. Gosh, he knows me so well, he knows when I fake yawn.

"Y-you did?" Brennan asked a little nervously.

I nodded. "Yeah. Brennan, that was actually really kind of you to say that we could end the friendship. I mean, I'd hate it if we did, but you didn't have to do that. Thanks." I hugged him and felt teensy tiny sparks, and butterflies.

"Kids! Breakfast!" Mommy called from upstairs.

"Coming!" Hayley shouted. Everyone shuffled out of the room.

Before I could leave, Brennan stopped me. "Can we talk?"

"Okay." I said. Brennan took my hand and led me towards the couch.

We sat next to each other, still holding hands. Brennan took a deep breath and said, "Annie, I'm gonna ask again; do you like me?"

I nodded immediately. "Yes. After our kiss I knew that I liked you. But we can't be together."

Brennan's smile faded into a frown. I knew I had just broken his heart. He dropped his hand from mine and placed it on his lap. "Oh."

"I wish we could, but Brennan, I see you as a brother. You're so kind and nice to me and treat me like a sister. I love you for that. I don't know if I love you the other way...
It'd be hard for me to just change my mind in an instant. But, for your sake, I'll think about it—"

"Don't, Annie." Brennan stood up. "I don't want to put pressure on you. You can forget it; I'll get over you."

"Really?" I asked.

He nodded and looked away. I saw a small, single tear roll down his cheek.

I got up and hugged him. "Thank you so much, Brennan. And this is why I see you as a brother; you don't want to hurt me." I then walked upstairs to eat some breakfast.

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