Chapter 12. BRENNAN

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After Mom and Katie left I got bored. I wasn't sure what I should do.

Yes, I had TV, my phone, and laptop, but I wanted to talk to a real person...

After a nurse checked on me, I snuck into my wheelchair (I was really weak from the concussion) and sneakily wheeled into Annie's room.

"Psst, Annie!" I whispered.

She looked away from the TV and a smile spread across her face. "Brennan! Are you okay?"

I shrugged. "My head hurts, the nurse just gave me some medicine. How about you?"

She shrugged too. "My leg hurts." She pointed to her leg which was wrapped up and was elevated up.

"Sorry to hear that. I'm hoping surgery went well." I said as I wheeled to the side of her bed.

She nodded. "Yeah, Dr. Waters said it went great. Do you mind if I sign your cast?" She asked.

"No, I don't mind. Here." I handed her my Sharpie and placed my arm on her lap. She wrote down: Get well soon, handsome 💘

I smiled. "Are we..."

She hesitated. "I still don't know, Brennan. I don't really trust you anymore."

My heart sank. It was bad enough I was already in physical pain.

"Listen, Annie. I'm gonna tell you what happened."

I knew Annie didn't want to hear it, but she couldn't run from me now.

I took a deep breath, then said, "Annie, I arrived at the classroom. Luisa saw me and started talking to me. Then she pressed me up against the lockers and kissed me.
"I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't stop. Then she said if I kissed her back, she'd leave me alone. So, I did.
"I regret that so much, Annie. I was stupid and dumb to believe her. I'm so sorry. All I want is your forgiveness and love. But if you can give me only one of the two, I'm okay with that. I'm okay with living with the pain." I explained.

Annie stared at me. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She wiped away her tears with her hand that had a wrap around it; her broken wrist.

"I better go. Good night, Annie." I said quietly as I wheeled away.

Just as I reached the door Annie called, "Brennan, wait!"

I turned around. "Yes?" I asked, with no hope in my voice.

Annie was still crying. "I-I'm so sorry. I should've trusted you. I forgive you."

I smiled, "Thank you, Annie, but it was my fault."

I wheeled over and had just enough strength to hug her.

She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my head.

I decided to go for it.

I looked up at Annie's beautiful brown eyes. What I saw in them was sadness, happiness, and a bit of pain.

I wanted the first and last one to go away.

I cupped her chin and tilted her face down towards mine, and I placed my lips on hers.

I was so happy to kiss her again; I forgot all about my concussion, my broken hand, and that we were in a hospital. I forgot about everything. All I remembered was that I was in love!

I was in love with Julianna Grace LeBlanc.

Annie began to kiss me back. We weren't as good as kissing as we had been before, probably because we were both in so much pain.

Just then, the pain hit me. I slipped and fell.

"You okay?" Annie asked.

I nodded, trying to stand up. Standing up with one hand was harder than you think.

I sat back in my wheelchair and grinned at Annie. "So, are we back together?"

Annie smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I think so."


A few days later, Annie and I got to leave the hospital.

I had regained some of my strength back, so I was able to walk with one crutch. Annie, however, was in a wheelchair, and would being using crutches in about two weeks.

Every night at the hospital I'd sneak into Annie's room. We'd cuddle, watch movies, kiss, cuddle some more, and kiss some more, then I'd have to sneak back into my room without being caught.

On both our Instagrams, we posted that we were back together. I've noticed in the past that Luisa likes all my photos, except for this one...I wonder why.

Annie and I let our parents know we were back together. They seemed really happy about it. I was, too.

I couldn't wait to go on a date with Annie.


Once we both recovered a bit (which was about two months later), I decided to ask Annie out.

We had planned to go to the park together near my house, since she was sleeping over.

I had finally gotten my cast off a few days before our date, so it was pretty easy now for me to put my clothes on. Trust me, it's hard to do anything with a cast. I brushed my hair and got ready to see Annie.

About twenty minutes later Annie arrived. She smiled and came in with her crutches.

"Ready to go?" I asked, holding the door open.

"Sure." Annie waved good bye to my mom as I closed the door.

I helped her down the porch stairs and we walked a couple blocks to the park.

I saw Annie struggling when we were about a block away. "You need help? I can carry you." I offered.

"Okay." Annie climbed onto my back and I held onto her crutches. When we got to the park I sat her down at a bench.

We sat there and talked until the sun set. It was beautiful, just like her.

I saw Annie start to cry as the sun set.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's December first." She said.

Another month without Caleb. Gosh, we miss him more everyday.

I scooted closer and wrapped my arm around her neck. "It'll be okay. I promise."

Annie looked up at me and smiled. "Thank you." She whispered.

I gave her a short kiss. "You're welcome."

She kissed me back and we just stayed there for a while, kissing.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and she wrapped hers around my neck. It felt perfect. This was the perfect moment.

Eventually she pulled away. "It's time to go."

We stood up and walked home together. It was the perfect night; even though we'd been on countless dates and have been together for 6 more years, this was still my favorite memory of us.

My favorite Brannie memory.

A/N: While writing this chapter I started to get a little bit of writer's block!! AGGH! So, once I finished, I realized this was the end. I'm going to write an epilogue next, and that's it.
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