Epilogue: ANNIE

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I was escorted down the isle holding my father's hand. I couldn't believe this was happening; Brennan and I were getting married!

We've been together for 12 years now, and I'm grateful for every single day we spent together.

Sure, we've had our ups and downs, but we stuck together through it all.

I stopped in front of Brennan. He smiled at me with the beautiful smile that melted my heart every time I looked at him.

"You look beautiful." He mouthed.

"Thank you." I mouthed back as the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Brennan Donnelly and Julianna LeBlanc." The priest went on with the whole speech.

"Do you, Brennan, take Julianna, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Brennan smiled.

"Do you, Julianna, take Brennan to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

I smiled. "I do."

The priest went on further before he said, "You may now kiss the bride."

Brennan bent down and places his lips on mine.

Everyone clapped and cheered. I pulled away and grinned at everyone. The day had finally come; I was now officially Julianna Grace Donnelly.

We celebrated by dancing, eating cake, drinking punch, and chatting.

My family all came over and hugged me. "Congratulations, Mrs. Donnelly!" Mom said.

"Thank you."

I looked over at Hayley, who was now 18 years old, looking in the opposite direction.

"Hayley?" I asked as I placed my hand on her shoulder.

She jerked it away. "How could you?!" She yelled and ran away.

"Hayley! Hayley, wait!" I lifted up my dress and ran after her.

I found her leaning against a tree, crying.

"Hay Hay? You're ruining your bridesmaids dress." I said.

"Why did you have to leave me? Caleb already left, and now you?!" Hayley sobbed.

My smile disappeared as I hugged Hayley and I began to cry myself. "Hayley, it's been eleven years since he died. I know it's hard, but I'm married now. One day you'll leave the nest, too, not just for college but for marriage. You'll understand."

Hayley shot me a weak smile. "Thanks, Annie. You've always been able to make me feel better." We hugged and headed back to the celebration.

Brennan sighed of relief when he saw me. "There you are! I've been looking for you!"

"Sorry, Brennan, but Hayley and I needed to talk." I said with my arm around Hayley.

"Everything okay now?" He asked.

I nodded.

Katie came running up to me and hugged me. "Congrats, sister-in-law! I didn't get to see you after the ceremony."

"Thanks, sis-in-law." I giggled. "I can't believe this; we've been dreaming of this since we were eight years old."

"Yeah. I'm so glad! I love you."

"I love you, too!" We hugged and went back to celebrating; not just my new marriage, but celebrating life.


Four years later I found myself in the hospital.

"Breathe, honey, breathe! Push a little harder, I can see the head!" The doctor told me.

I was giving birth to twins!

I breathed harder and pushed.

"One's out! Oh, the next one's almost there!"

A few minutes later the next one came out. I sighed of relief and happiness.

"Annie, look! It's a girl and boy!" Brennan pointed out.

Sure enough, we had a boy and girl. The girl was Bella, and the boy was Charlie.

I smiled and cried as the nurses lifted the babies up and took them to get bathed.

"I'm so proud of you, babe." Brennan said while squeezing my hand.

I nodded and tried not to fall asleep. Once the babies were bathed, I held them and let Brennan take photos with our phones and cameras. When we got married we started our own vlogging channel called, Brannie & Family. We started the channel once we found out I was pregnant.

I let Brennan hold them next as I slept. I thought of how Caleb would've felt if he was here. He probably would've said how amading and cute they were, and that it was their birfday. 

I fell asleep with a smile, and I dreamed of Caleb.

We were sitting in front of a lake when he said, "I'm proud of you, Annie."

I smiled. "Thanks, bubba. I miss you." I hugged him.

"I miss you too, Annie. It's been too long."

"Fifteen years now." I mumbled.

He nodded. "I love you so much, Annie. I'm glad to be an uncle, even if I'm not on Earth."

"Me too. I'm just happy we got eleven years together." I said.

"I have to go. We'll talk again soon. Congrats, and I love you. Tell Hayley I said hey." Caleb stood up.

I waved as he disappeared. I woke up to Brennan smiling.

"Ready to start a new chapter of our lives?"

I nodded. "Absolutely."

A/N: Aw, what a cute ending! I just had to throw in a Caleb dream scene. I couldn't end this without another Caleb scene, right?
I hope this was an enjoyable story. I'm so happy it has over 300 views right now! Thanks for all the love and support. Ily all sm 💘
I'm planning on starting another story, maybe based on Hayley? I don't know, it's either gonna be narrated by Hayley or Annie. Comment below who you'd prefer!
Please vote, share, and comment! I can't wait to hot that completed button :)
Until next time folks!

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