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Yo! I just got back from camp today and I'm literally so tired and ahhhh.

If you wanted to know, I had a lot of fun and I'm going back next year! It was so great being around other type 1 diabetics who get it! If you didn't know, I have T1D and went to a special camp for diabetics called Camp Winona ;)

Okay, you're probably bored now. I am, too, so let's get straight to the point!

By the title of this 'chapter', you can see that I am making a sequel!


Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I have a small plan already for my story and I'm going to get started right away while I still have about less than a month until school starts :(


So I'll give you a bit of a hint/sneak peek of what I have planned: The story will revolve around the whole family. There will be Brannie chapters and chapters about Bella and Charlie's lives. The kids will be starting 8th grade in this story.

That's all I can release, and that's also all I've thought of 😂

Let me know what other suggestions you all have! I love hearing them!

And holy cow, I logged onto Wattpad and had 60 notifications?! Wow, I feel so loved! Thanks guys 💘

Again, please leave suggestions while I begin to write this sequel right now!!!!!!!

Ily all sm and thanks for the support! Can't wait to see what y'all suggest 💘😘

Boyfriend or Brother? [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now