Chapter 9

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"I'm his boyfriend, Jack."


My mom looked shocked but she still smiled.

"Very Nice to meet you Jack." she smiled at him.

"Pleasure meeting ya too." Jack smiled back at her and we both left to my room.

"Boyfriend?" I questioned.

Jack blushed.

"I haven't officially asked you McLoughlin." I smiled.

"Nate, your father and I are going out! Be good!"

"Alright mom! Love you!"

"Love you too!"

I heard the door close and Jack instantly smashed his lips against mine. It wasn't a needy kiss. It was a sweet kiss.

If crazy equals genius. Then I'm a fucking arsonist. I'm a rocket scientist.


"Hey Nate. Can you Uh open the door?"

"Did you forget your key again?"

"uhm.. Yeah.."

I laughed and walked downstairs. I opened the door, and someone punched me.

Again?! Are you kidding me right now?!

"Go away Mark. This is my house. Leave me alone." I growled.

Chelsey walked in, leaving Mark outside.

"I want to see Jack." He sounded drunk.

"N-Nate, what's going on?" I heard Jacks voice say softly.

"Jack!" Mark tried coming inside but I stopped him.

"Mark? You... You're drunk... Go home.. Please.." Jack slowly walked over.

"Jack! I still love you!" Mark's words slurred.

"Mark, please. Go home. Now." Jack didn't get any closer.

"You heard him. Leave." I spat.

He growled and walked away. I don't like him but I hate to see what he does while he's drunk and on the streets. Jack didn't say another word. I closed the door and he quietly walked over to me and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed the top of his head.

He tightened his grip and began crying. I know he still loves him. Just like I still love Matt. Jack looked up at me and I just smiled.

"Go." I said softly.

"I'm sorry Nate." he whispered.

Jack let go of me quickly and ran after Mark. If you love something you let it go. If it comes back it was meant to be. If it doesn't, then it was never yours.

I guess Mark and Jack are just meant to be.

I sighed and walked to my room.

"Felix is here for me. I'll be home later." Chelsey said.

I just nodded and she left, leaving me alone. I grabbed my notebook and been writing. Music keeps me calm. Writing songs makes me happy. It takes me away from this Nightmare.


"Mark!" I called after him

He turned around and stopped. I ran into his arms and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed back. I could taste the cinnamon whiskey on his lips. I pulled back and looked at him, still crying.

"Mark, I still love you."

Mark was now crying. His breathing was uneven. It was bad. His grip tightened on my shirt. Oh no. No. No. No. I felt his weight all fall onto me. I grabbed my phone and quickly dialed 911. The ambulance was on its way. I was on the floor now, holding Mark.

"Markimoo, it's all going to be fine." I kept whispering.

I kissed the top of his head as the ambulance arrived. They were taking him away. They were gonna help him. They were going to help my Mark.


"Everyone I love leaves me!" I screamed as I threw a picture across the room.

Glass shattered and the frame broke. I screamed out again and threw everything off my dresser.

"Why can't anyone love me?!" I had tears streaming down my face.

I threw my phone across the room, shattering the screen. I threw another picture, sending that glass all over the floor. Full of anger, I punched my wall, leaving a hole.

Anger. Depression. Hate. Love.

What am I feeling?!

I slammed my fists against the wall and let out a scream. I saw a picture of Matt and I, and I threw it.

"You don't love me!" I yelled.

I threw another one of our pictures.

"You're a liar!"

Another one.

"I hate you!"

I grabbed one of the stuffed animals he gave me. I tore it apart. I grabbed a bear with a heart that read "Be Mine." I ripped the heart out of its hand and tore it apart. I looked at the bear and threw it.

Tears streaming down my face, a trashed room, my back against the wall. I slid down the wall slowly.

"It's all my fault." I mumbled.

"I still love you, Matt." I was sobbing.

"It's my fault!" I shouted.

I grabbed my phone and crawled into bed, still crying. I clutched onto one the bears on my bed. It smelled like Matt, with a hint of Jack. This only caused me to sob even more.

"I'm sorry." I cried out.

I just laid there and cried myself to sleep.


I slowly opened my eyes, and a bright light made me regret it. I groaned and felt someone's hand on mine.

"J-Jack... " I mumbled.

"Mark! You're awake!" he looked overjoyed.

"What happened?"

"You passed out from all the alcohol you consumed."

"I'm so sorry Jack." I looked him in the eyes.

"Mark, no, I'm sorry."

"Do you really still love me?"

Jack nodded and smiled.

"Please be mine again." My voice cracked.

Jack nodded again and hugged me. He then pressed his soft lips against mine. God I missed this.

"I love you Jackaboy."

"I love you Markimoo."

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