Chapter 3-She's Real

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“Good writers define reality; bad ones merely restate it. A good writer turns fact into truth; a bad writer will, more often than not, accomplish the opposite.”-Anonymus

Micah's POV

Diana slipped something into my drink. I just knew it.

"Hey, baby" she put her arms around my waist and pulled me backwards.

"Hello" I slurred. But it sounded more like 'sello'.

The room was spinning still and the music was making my head hurt. Diana was still pulling me out of the kitchen, people's faces blurred all around me. I wanted to leave or at least vomit. Either way, I was going to do something. "This way" she instructed me. I half dragged myself up the stairs, holding on tightly to the handrail as I went up.

The lights upstairs were mostly off except for the one in the far back that was on and really bright. "Who was that girl?" Diana asked suddenly. She was turning every knob of every door. So far, all of them were locked. 

"What girl?" I asked. I was trying my hardest to focus on the conversation, on what Diana was saying but the room was still spinning all around me. 

"The girl with the long curly hair? She's kinda tall and you looked like you knew her from somewhere."

Skyler. I knew from the second that she said curly hair that it was Skyler. The image of her grabbing my face seconds before our lips touched and smirking at me made my face flush. Diana raised her eyebrows at me. 

"Right. Her" I said and shook my head a bit. "I was just showing her around."

Raine's POV

The electricity went out around midnight. I didn't realize until I was up and about to take  shower. It never occurred to me that I should have turned a light on when I got home last night. Or to even check the temperature of the water. But I never did that because I knew exactly how many degrees I had to turn the knob to get the warmth that I liked. 

"What the..." Robyn trailed off. I was humming to myself when I stepped into the shower. 

I could hear Zayne coursing loudly from the kitchen. "Why the fuck is the coffee cold?" he yelled. 

I reached for the hot water knob, feeling the rust of the metal and twisted it to the left and closed my eyes. Freezing water hit me hard and I jumped and let out a yelp. My feet slipped under me and I screamed this time and loud, grabbing onto the old shower curtain. It ripped easily and I fell on my back.

Pain went through my body in an instant. It felt like I was paralyzed there, choking on my own spit. The curtain was barely covering me, instead it just covered all of my right arm. 

Someone swung open the door and seven pairs of eyes stared down at me, all of them going wide. This got my body to start working and ignore the pain. I tried my best to cover myself with my hands but my boobs were spilling out a bit. Then I remembered the curtain that was right beside me and threw it quickly over myself.

I pointed at the door they were crowding around. No one (and I mean no one) tried to help or said anything. They all just stared at me, wide eyed with fully opened mouths. 

"GET OUT!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. 

They all just stood there for a few more seconds. It was Wyatt who got out of the trance first. "Come on guys, she's fine. Let's give her some privacy." 

He started pushing everyone out the door. Zayne and Lukas were shaking their heads and walking away before wyatt even touched them. Derek's face was completely red (and I knew that mine was too) when he muttered "sorry" and walked away. 

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