Chapter 2-I didn't feel bad

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“The opposite of love is not hate, its indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, its indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, its indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, its indifference."-Elie Wiesel quotes 

Micah's POV

"When was the play Macbeth written, Mr. Delter?" Mr. Flood asked.

Ryan lifted his head and opened his eyes. It wasn't surprising that he wasn't paying attention. No one gave a fuck what Mr. Flood said. "Huh?" Ryan said. The room filled with smirks and covered 'losers'.

Mr. Flood rolled his eyes and sighed. "Mr. Wickerfield, maybe you would like to help him out?"

I pushed back in my chair and cleared my throat. The play was written in the 1600. But no one's really sure what date exactly. He stared at me patiently waiting for my answer. I looked over at Ryan who was staring at me too. He was pissed (maybe about this. Or maybe it was about the fact that his girlfriend dumped him for me).

"No, one's really sure when it was written" I started. I avoided both their gazes and stared at the ledge of my desk. "But Shakespeare wrote the play from the year's 1603 to 1606."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Mr. flood nod his head. The rung when he opened his mouth. I grabbed my binder and the book on my desk and made a dash for the door.

"Hey! Mic!"

I paused and turned my head behind me, a couple of people pushed past me to get through the door. Ryan gave me a little wave and Quinn gave me a smile. I nodded my head back at them, "Sup?" I yelled and kept walking forward.

Westchester was one of the best schools in the Country and was the best in the state. Too bad we were all jealous teens with a lot of money. Paranoia got the best of me and I quickened my step trying my hardest to get to my locker but still act like I wasn't running from someone.

I turned a corner fast and almost ran into a chick he size of a globe. I almost spilled her coffee. I stepped on her foot instead. She gasped but I kept walking, mumbling a sorry. "Jerk!" I heard her scream. People said hey and hi to me when they saw me and I nodded and smiled back. What really sucked was that my locker was on the other side of the building from my English class.

"What up, Husain Bolt" Dylan said jogging up to me.

I didn't slow down, but I made it easier for him to catch up. "Is Ryan still behind me?" I asked quietly.

Dylan turned his head and then turned back to me. "All clear."


"Why?" he asked once we reached my locker.

I did my combo, turning it to eight and then 25 then to 30. I shoved my English binder in and grabbed my wallet from the top shelf then slammed it shut.

Dylan groaned.

"No. That was like a year ago, man! He can't still be..." he trailed off.

"She is the cheerleader captain" I reminded him.

We both shudder at the same time. I really did mean what I said before. I can't keep a girl for too long because she couldn't put up with me. Just like Ryan's girlfriend (but really, I couldn't put up with her), Diana, head cheerleader.

She was one of those, dramatic girls, making nothing into something. It was worse than my uncontrollable talking. She liked to get people jealous and made people squirm. That's why she was dating Ryan, because they made such a perfect couple with his tall figure, terrifying eyes, and a heart of the devil. What didn't make sense was why she cheated on him with me. But what was even stupider was that, I KNEW she cheated on him with me.

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