3: What Am I Even Doing?

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~ Kyouko's P.O.V ~

I know getting back with Byakuya is probably a mistake but I love him and one mistake isn't gonna diminish my feelings for him over night.

I'm probably gonna break things off when my feelings for him go away. But dating him makes my feelings stay and being broken up hurts way more then I would like to.

I'm not gonna tell Dad about it though. He would ground me until graduation and that's two years away.

I know that Makoto isn't gonna talk to me for weeks if he even decides to talk to me again and that's killing me.

After being best friends for tenish years and one little decision breaks our friendship shows how fragile the friendship is or how stupid the decision is.

I should call him or text him but I know he'll just dismiss me until I speak to him in person or he speaks to me in person.

I walk out of the living room and snatch my phone from the kitchen counter and check it for any new messages or notifications.Nothing new at all, figures.

Who would wanna talk to the girl who got back with the guy who cheated on her.

The only person I wanted a text back from was Makoto and he didn't deliver. He's clearly pissed at me and I deserve it and possibly more for being a shitty friend and always complaining about my life and my shitty little problems.

He's probably hanging out with Mukuro or Sayaka maybe even Junko. No, he wouldn't cheat on Mukuro or anyone for that matter.

He probably hates me now. At least Dad isn't home so I can be alone.

"I'm so freaking stupid" I mumble to myself.

I pull up my contacts on my phone and click on 'Byakuya'.

I take awhile planning and typing my text that will ruin my social life. I shouldn't have gotten back with Byakuya because he'll just cheat again and again the more times I get back with him so I have to be the one to end it, for good.

To: Byakuya
Hey. I'm sorry, I can't keep pretending everything's okay. You cheated on me and I can't ignore the facts anymore. Our relationship isn't happy so it needs to end. I'm breaking up with you.
Sent: 7:25pm

I trudge upstairs, phone in hand, and walk into my bedroom.

I change into a grey tee-shirt and black sleep shorts. I sit criss-cross on my bed and dial Makoto's number at least twenty times before he picks up his damn phone.

"What, Kyouko? I'm kinda busy" Makoto snaps through the phone.

"I wanted to tell you that I'm done with Byakuya. I just broke up with him, again" I said.

I force myself to not cry. I don't cry on the damn phone. With Makoto especially.

"Why would you want to tell me? I thought you were back on the Byakuya train" He says, mockingly.

"No, I thought of how this would piss you off and I acted from there. Okay, you happy" I said.

"Oh...um" Makoto says.

I hear a girl giggling in the back round. It's probably Mukuro or he's actually hanging out with Komaru, it's most likely Mukuro.

"Do you want me to call you back tomorrow? Can I also get that ride?" I ask.

"Um, sure. I'll call you tomorrow morning at 6:40ish, okay?" Makoto asked.

"Yeah, okay. See ya tomorrow" I said.

"Bye" Makoto said and he hung up. Figures, guys always hang up after their done speaking and a girl has to say goodbye still.

I sighed and placed my phone on my bed side table.

I look at the pictures of Byakuya and I in my mirror and I immediately lose it.

I cry for what seems to be hours after looking at a damn picture of Byakuya and I at the beach from last summer.

Sayaka and Leon has gone with us to the beach that day and we all were taking pictures of ourselves with our significant other.

As a joke Sayaka and I took a picture together so Byakuya and Leon ended up taking a picture together.

That day was my favorite day all summer because after that I had back to back cases to work on so I couldn't go to the beach with them again.

Makoto and Mukuro weren't even dating then and Makoto had the biggest crush on her at the time.

I remember him telling me that and feeling crushed but happy for him at the same time.

It's weird, my feelings for Makoto. I love him like a best friend but I also love him more then that and I have for a few years now.

I haven't told anyone, not even Dad and I usually tell Dad mostly everything.

I stand up and leave my room, grabbing the small and portable trash can from the bathroom and bringing it back into my bedroom.

I tear every picture of Byakuya and I down except for the one from the beach because that one has good memories that I want to remember stored in it.

After I throw all of the picture of Byakuya and I in the trash I return the thing to the bathroom and sit down at my desk.

I boot up my laptop and sigh. The desktop is a picture of Makoto, Mukuro, Sayaka, Leon, Byakuya, and I.

That one can stay too because it was from the Christmas party last year.

Makoto and Mukuro were kinda seeing each other at the time but were keeping it on the down-low meaning only I knew for nearly four and a half months.

I click onto my pictures folder and delete every picture of Byakuya and I except for ones that have other people in it.

Most of them are of Makoto, Byakuya, and I. Makoto and Byakuya are nearly as close as Makoto and I so Makoto was probably as shocked as I was when he learned that Byakuya cheated on me with the slut, Junko.

After deleting everything in a bitter-ex rage, I turn the lights off and crawl into bed.

I know it's only eightish but I want to go to sleep so I don't have to think about Byakuya and Makoto anymore.

I sigh and close my eyes.

I just keep remembering how pissed Makoto sounded on the phone and that alone sent me into a sob attack.

I literally cry myself to sleep that night like seven days that came before today.

I'm glad that Makoto's happy but I want him to be happy with no one else but me.


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See You In The Next Chapter, My AmazeBalls!!

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