The day

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"What are you looking at?" Says Ashton
Ashton has always been like a big bro to me!!! He is pretty overprotective about a lot of things including me liking Michael. "Oh I was looking at Michael! Was it that obvious!?" I say
" I don't think you should fall in love with him al I mean yea you really like him but that doesn't matter! He is my best friend first of all so that is really weird but I guess if it makes you happy sis" says ash. That is the first time in a long time he has ever called me al!!! The last time he called me al we were 5 and we were in Australia." Yea well guess that means I'm lucky!" I say
"Whatever al" says ash Riiiiiiing "well that's the last bell bye ash" "bye al"

Soft green eyes
I turn around and there he was his soft green eyes staring into mine. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you Alex." Michael said. "It's ok I have to go" I said sounding like a fool! "Why are you in such a hurry" said Michael. "Chemistry,I have been late a couple times I don't want to have detention"I said. " oh ok well maybe I'll catch you later Alex tell ash I said hi" Mikey said. Ekkkkk Michael Clifford just said my name!!!!

Later that day

I had to tell someone that Michael Clifford knows my name!!!! So I told Samy (my best friend in the whole wide world) "WHAT!!!! Michael Clifford knows your name?!! I wish cal knew my name he doesn't even know I'm alive!!"says Samy. Sam has this thing for on if Ashton's best friends calum she really likes him I'm so excited to tell her he news!! "Well he will whenever the 5 of us go to a Greenday concert" I say holding up 6 Greenday tickets. "OMG AL you got us VIP tickets to Greenday!!! Ughhhhh I can't wait!
Said Samy she said it so loud all 4 of the boys came surrounding us. Calum stood so close to Samy she started to blush. An that's when I seen a face I haven't seen in a while "GUESS WHO???"

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