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A/N:this story will be told from nicky's point of view.but maybe others i haven't desided.

ok this just came to mind so go easy on me plz

 this is nicky------------------------------------------------------------------->


"Nicky! Wake up Nicky, we're gonna be late for school!" yelled Jennifer for the hundredth time. She started hitting me with a pillow. 'Like that will help' I thought to myself smiling as I did. "Don't make me get Carter in here!" She yelled again. I have to hand it to her she's been at it for almost a hour. "I mean it! Karen Nicole Jones, get out of bed or I'll get carter!" She tried again. I just shrugged my shoulders and continued to sleep. I heard her stomp off so I sat my head up and raised my hands shouting "Victory is mine!" Then I layed back down and cuddled in the blankets. "Nicky you have three seconds before I dump this bucket of water on you. One...two..." Said Carter. I shot straight after he said two because knowing Carter a little too well has paid off. I know he would do it. "Good girl! Three!" He yelled and dumped the water on me. "WHAT THE HECK CARTER! I WAS UP!" I yelled as I got up trying to dry off. "I did it because I wanted to." He said running out of the door. I got up and ran after him "CARTER DILLON WILLIAMS I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" I yelled dashing down the stairs. He just laughed and shot out the door. I was close behind, but instead of running through the door I ran into a large mass that I first though was a rock, after I got over my shock I looked up to see the rock was James here to drive us to school. He started laughing and helped me up. "Well good morning to you too." He said through a laugh. "Hey, did you see which way Carter went? I need to kill him." I ask him, trying to look over his shoulder or around him, but it was no use he was too freakishly tall and muscular. I was starting to wonder why my friends were so big and buff and such... Well I guess they work as a body guard too right? "Is that what I get for a good morning these days?!" He asked, putting his hands on his hips. "Fine. Good morning. I love you so, so, so, so, so much!" I said with sarcasm running through my veins as I did." He chuckled and said "Thats better." He folded his arms up to his chest like a little kid. I peek behind him just to see carter dash back out to the woods. I ran past James and into the woods, tackled Carter to the ground and started to beat him with my slippers. Once I was done I got up and started to walk back to my house. Just before carter came in the door I hit him again as he laughed. "Well isn't that a nice way to wake up!" Exclaimed my mom as she smacked Carter on the back of the head. "That's for getting her bed gross." She said. I stuck my tongue out at him and went up stairs to change out of my wet clothes.


After I changes and put on a little make up I went back down stairs. "Good your done now we need to go before the late bell rings. You know how the grizzly bear gets." Said James. I laughed at the nickname he gave our first period teacher Mr. Grizzlie. It's funny because his name suits him too well. He's mean, loud and a giant. I walked out the door "Shotgun!" Carter yelled. "Ugh!!!" I got into the back seat with Jennifer as James started his black mustang with ghost flames. I told James that when he died I get his car, but he told me that it was gonna be buried with him.          

As we arrived at school the late bell had already rang. As James and I turned the corner we saw Mr. Grizzlie standing outside the door tapping his foot on the hard tiles. "Late again I see. Detention for a week and if I hear any back talk I'll add another day." He said turning to enter the class room. As he turned around James and I tried not laugh because we always get in trouble in his class. It's too much fun. One time I almost slipped and called him grizzly bear.


Half way through his lesson on Rome. I started to get a really sharp pain in my back. I tried to stretch it out, but it didn't go away. James seemed to notice. "You, ok?" He asked touching my shoulder. I shook my head in a no and rayed my hand."yes miss.jones."said the teacher bitterly."may i please go to the back is in alot of pain?"i asked.he nodded his head and turned to the board.i stood up and fell because the pain was too bad.all of a sudden i felt a strong pair of arms pick me they did fire coursed through my wasn't a bad feeling it kinda calmed me until i sreamed in felt as if all my bones were braking all at once.i've never felt that kind of pain.

JAMES'  POV                           *starting when nicky fell*

as nicky got up to leave she winced in pain then soon as i saw her fall i jumped out of my seat and picked her up off the i did i fire flared inside me.then it hit me the girl im running to the nurses office is my mate.wait if shes my mate that means shes a werewolf."oooohhhh CRAP!!!"i yelled in my head.this isn't normal pain shes going through she shifting for the first time.                                 wait why is she just now shifting.werewolves normally shift around 5-8 not 17.i've never heard of late shifters.what if shes the gin Ookami princess?that isn't possible is it?i'll just have to see what her wolf looks like.i need to look for a silver tint in her fur(by the way gin Ookami means silver wolf in japanese).   instead of taking her to the nurse i put her in my car and sped off.i couldn't let anyone see her,it would put her in i took her to my house within the territory i pulled in i was greeted by my family.thanks to my little sister that can see picture of the near future i didn't have to wait to help her.


once we go her inside i took her to my room and layed her on the dad and alpha of our pack sat down beside me and put his hand on the shoulder."so whats her story?"he asked."shes my mate and shes just now having her first you think she could be the gin Ookami princess?"i asked him."where would you get such a idea.thats a old legend told by the elders.shes just a late shifter thats all."he said.but i knew he was thinking different.nicky let out another ear splitting sream out of is killing me to see my mate in this state knowing i can do nothing until she is completely shifted.all i can do is sit and try to comfort her

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