"You sure you'on wanna come with me to Sheila's?" My aunt asked me as she leaned against the door frame.
"You know what? Sure. Lemme just change my shirt." I got up from from my bed as she nodded, clog my door.
After changing into a normal shirt and fixing my hair, I made sure I had my phone before walking out.
"Alright. I'm ready." I told her as I came down the stairs.
"Let's go." She grabbed her keys from the coffee table and stepped out with me behind her.
Once we reached her house, we got out and I followed behind my aunt.
She knocked on the door a couple times before the door opened, revealing Sheila.
She smiled at us and motioned for us to come in. "How y'all doing?"
"Good." Me and my aunt spoke in unison as we went inside, taking off our shoes.
"You can watch some tv if you'd like dear." She told me as her and my aunt went inside the kitchen.
I ended up watching a little bit of tv for a while until I needed to use the washroom.
I didn't feel like interrupting my aunt and Sheila while they cooked so I headed upstairs and slowly walked down the hallway.
All the doors were closed so I didn't know which one to try.
"Great." I muttered.
I ended up trying the door in the left and opened it. As soon as I did, I spotted August who was lying down on his bed with his phone in his hands.
"Sorry I-"
"You good." He looked over at me and motioned for me to come inside.
I was surprised by his gesture but did as told, closing back the door. I hesitantly walked over to the bed and stood next to him with my arms folded.
He chewed on his plump bottom lip as my eyes shifted towards his lips then him. "I'm uh- sarry' fa' da' way I was actin' towards you when you came over before."
"It's cool I guess."
"Not really. I ain't even give you a chance." He laughed, scratching the back of his neck.
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