Once Upon A Time

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Ever read cliché stories where boy meets girl, they fall in love, something tragic happens, they break apart, but in the end they get to live happily ever after?

 I don’t have that. Because all I am, is the antagonist in one’s love story. I’m the tragedy. The havoc. I’m the ex-girlfriend/sister/girlfriend/everything else you can think of that stomps off the scene fuming, because she just can’t get that happy ending, she’s always in the way of someone else’s.

 For starters, let’s make a list of the stories that I have barged in, shall we?

 1.     Let’s talk about the boy I met, freshman year, here in the University of Arizona. His name was Matthew, he was on a football scholarship, so you guessed right, dark hair, olive tanned-skin, and those eyes! Those piercing blue eyes! Well, those eyes also cheated on me a year later, with none other than his childhood romance. I guess they were meant to be or something. But I was the new girlfriend that interfered; they all sided with Miss Goody Shoes! Puh-lease! I could smell a skank from a distance

2.     I was definitely what you can call a bad girl, so it was only right that I mixed with the bad boys. And that is how Rush came to picture. He was all bad boy exterior with tattoos and piercings in all the right places, and of course, me being a heartbroken girl after Matt, I made the wrong decision to sleep with him. He was nice, and available. NOT! Turns out he actually had a fiancé! A FREAKING FIANCE! That was much more of a bitch than I was, I actually thought that Rush was ‘the one’ but unfortunately, when it came to an ultimatum, he chose the freak of a nature, called his future wife. God bless him and his future endeavors with a woman like that.

3.     Since Rush did not really last long (and there’s PUN intended, if you know what I mean) I was back to my good old ways, trashing frat parties while acing my classes. You may think that the bad girl in the stories are bleach blonde tramps who couldn’t answer basic algebra, well, I’m not blonde, I actually have jet black hair that contrasts those blondes, maybe that’s why I’m so striking with the boys, and I could do basic algebra, actually, I could solve problems faster than most people my age. I guess its in the genes, my dad (wherever the fuck he is now) was supposedly a CEO of some tech company, of course, I wouldn’t know since he left us when I was only three. That brings me to my next topic, Chase West. Whereas my name is Savannah West. You see the problem now? Yes, he was my half-brother. And yes, I slept with him. Do you have any idea how terrible that was? Finding out that he was your half brother because he actually took you to meet your father and his new wife? Things were THAT serious. After that, there was chaos. Awkwardly enough, I was the epiphany of disaster; I took off and never looked back.

4.     After I took off, well, I didn’t actually take off, I just went and lived on my own in a small apartment, which cost more than midst the eye, so I had to work. Luckily, because of my skills, I landed a job as the assistant of one of the top leading global companies in the industry of aeronautical mechanics. And I had the hottest, I mean, hottest, boss ever. Craig Richards was a billionaire, by last year. I’ve read articles of the 30-year-old genius and how his name rose up to the billboards in Times Square. He was unbelievably smart and knew what he was doing, and of course, it helped that he looked like Adonis. When I started at Richards Aeronautics Pte. Ltd, I was all business as I desperately needed the job, it was only 3 weeks after when Craig and I were alone that went and shoved away everything on my desk and situated me, with him directly above me. Well you know the rest. After that it became a ritual once we both finished work. One day, we went to his house, and we were doing the dirty, when out of nowhere he slapped me, on my cheek, like my actual face cheek. Turns out he has one of those BDSM fetishes and no matter how great the sex was, I sure as hell held on to my femininity and kicked him in the balls. I got fired that day.

5.     Last but definitely not the least is Sawyer Davidson. The thing with Sawyer is that we grew up thin walls away from each other. I considered him my best friend, and was an occasional something else ‘friend’ but that was it. Until the day he decided to get married out of the blue, which was also the day I was thinking ‘What Ifs?’ That night I tossed and turned, What if Sawyer was the one? What if I saw Sawyer more than I should have been seeing him? What if after all these years of trying to find love… it has been with me all along? Well, those what ifs vanished into thin air, when only a few hours later, Sawyer turned up at my apartment door, telling me that he was going to get married to someone called Felicity Bridges. Wanna know what I did? I kissed him, I kissed him hard.

Like I said, I’m never the girl who gets the happy ending. I’m always the girl who ruins the happy ending for everyone else.

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