The End

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Turns out Sawyer actually spent lots of money for our wedding day, and right now, we were on our honeymoon.

In Monte Carlo.

I know what you're thinking.. and totally. This sweet man is mine forever, sorry girls.

As we lay in bed looking at the panoramic view from our hotel window, a thought crossed my mind.

"Sawyer?" I asked looking up at Sawyer's stubbly chin.

"Hm?" He murmered, kissing my forehead.

"Why'd you invite my ex boyfriends to our wedding?" I thought that it was weird of him to invite the reasons for me crying on his shoulder for nights.

He snorted, "To show them what they missed a chance on, of course."

I lifted my head off his chest and looked at him questionably.

He sighed, "I'm a guy Sav, I can't help but show you off a little. I just wanted to show them what they passed on, I wanted them to know that I had you, and I wanted to make them regret every tear that fell of your eye all those nights." He was now angry, but I kissed him, still thinking how I could deserve such a man.

"My hero." I murmered while kissing his face softly.



"Don't you think it'd be cool if our first child would have been created in Monte Carlo?" he asked innocently.

I chuckled nervously. "No can do, Sawyer." I kissed him one last time and turned to my side of the bed, flicking the lights off.

"Why not, Sav?" I could hear his pout in his voice.

I sighed and turned around to face him, sure enough, he was looking as adorable as he did, 16 years ago.

"Becaaause... your first child was made in my bedroom." I whispered, stroking his confused face, turning around, waiting for it to all sink in. As I closed my eyes, I smiled to myself.

"Wait, Sav, um, you, bed, what?" Sawyer stuttered, I pretended to fall asleep, but I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

"Savannah? Baby? Wait, baby??? SAVANNAH!" He was shaking me now, I could not resist laughing.

"Surely you've noticed that I've gained weight ever since your proposal?" I breathed.

"I, you, hot, SAVANNAH!" I rolled over in laughter, he could not even form a single sentence.

"Breathe, Sawyer, I'm going to help you say the words now okay? Repeat after me." I ordered him, he nodded.





"Gonna be.."

He inhaled at this "Gonna be.."

"A father." I smiled.

He stopped and stared at me, and finally breathed "A father."

I nodded, taking his hands to my belly.

"A father." He repeated.

He looked at my belly with pure adoration and admiration. And then he looked at me, his eyes never changing its emotions.

"I'm going to be a father." He said as a matter of factly, too proud in fact.

He hugged me and then went to the window that opened up to Monte Carlo and screamed


I laughed and sighed a breath of relief, seeing how he took the news. Nobody knew, not even my mom or bestfriend. The secret was between me and my little bump. Well, I guess now little bump's father was in the secret too.

"What're we gonna name her.. or him?" He enquired excitedly.

"I don't know, but I guess we'll just know when we see her.. or him." 

Sawyer pulled me in for a kiss, and I could feel the happiness surround the both of us.

7 months later, there was both a him and her.

The twins, Ella Leia Davidson and Eric Luke Davidson were born, I guess we did know what we were going to name them, considering how Sawyer was obsessed with Disney while I was just as obsessed with Star Wars. They were the princess and prince of our world. And we all lived happily ever after.

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