Chapter 33

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**please read the stuff at the end of this chapter**

"Ready or not, here I come!"

I heard Haz yell, making me giggle softly. I decided on hiding in the small space between the book case and attic door.

I covered my mouth with my hand, trying not to breath too loudly. I heard his footsteps walking around the library, making my stomach flip.

I heard his footsteps grow nearer as I reluctantly held my breath. I let out a small shriek as the book case swung open, revealing a smiling Haz.

He bent down and picked me up in his arms, rubbing his nose against mine.

"I found you! I win!"

I pouted up at him and crossed my arms. "You cheated! I hid so good, Haz!"

"Now Princess, you can't be a sore loser." He scowled down at me, making me look at the ground sheepishly.

"Can we play again, Haz? Can we?!" I asked eagerly, making him laugh.

"Of course, Ro-" He began but disappeared mid sentence, making me fall down to the ground with a hard thump.

I listened as footsteps climbed the stairs, making me look through the library doorway curiously. I watched my mom walk through the door with a smile.

"Come on, Rose. Time for dinner." She held her arms out to me, making me look around nervously.

"But Haz and I were playing, mommy."

"You and Haz can play later. It's time to eat now." She said sweetly as she picked me up, setting me on her hip.

I set my hand on her shoulder as I looked back at the library, seeing Haz appear.

I gasped with a big smile, watching him stick his tongue out at me playfully. I giggled against my mom's shoulder before returning the childish gesture.

I wiped the tears away that escaped my eyes as I heard a soft knock on my door.

I sat up in my bed and cleared my throat. "Come in."

I watched as the door slowly opened, finding Harry on the other side of it with his head hung low. He glanced up at me with furrowed eyebrows as he walked beside my bed.

"Sit." I whispered, patting the side of my bed.

My voice was hoarse from crying and Harry didn't look too good either. We sat in complete silence for a good three minutes. It was full of tension which made my muscles grow sore from clenching.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Harry titled his head to look at me before glancing down at the bed. "When you first came here, I wanted to scare you out. I couldn't tell you then and I figured you'd be upset if I told you now."

I scoffed at him, throwing a pillow at his back. "Look at me now, Harry! You think this is better than just telling me yourself? I was just told that the man I'm in love with has known me since I was little by my father I didn't even know existed since last week!"

"I know, I'm sorry, Rosie." He cried, attempting to wrap his arms around me.

I pulled away from him as I brought my knees up to my chest. "Did...did you know?"

He looked down at me with sad eyes as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Did you know Tom was my father?" I asked, trying to sound demanding.

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