Chapter 57

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"They're gone." I heard Liam whisper from the library as I was walking towards the hall bathroom, making me frown.

I walked over to the tall door, pressing my ear against it. I set my hands on the door beside my head and listened closely.

"Who's gone?" Louis asked quietly.

"Edna and Luci. I went over to Edna's house. She wasn't there. Neither was Luci. I think they're with Zayn. Which means that whatever they're planning on doing is going to take place really soon." Liam explained in a low voice, sending shivers down my spine.

"Well when do you think it's gonna happen?" I heard Louis's voice again.

"Halloween." Liam replied, making my eyes widen. "There's going to be a town ball in the old opera house next to the library."

I totally forgot about the ball. Zayn and I were supposed to go together...

"So we're just going to arrive there and kill a bunch of demons?" I finally heard Niall's soft voice.

"Yeah, I suppose. We'll get everyone out before people get hurt though." Liam replied cooly.

"What about Rosie? When will we tell her about this plan?" I heard Harry's voice, making my jaw drop.

They're making a plan without me?

"Um...later. We don't want her to have another breakdown."

"Do you...think she's ill?" I heard Harry ask, causing a quiet gasp to escape my throat.

"Maybe. I'm no doctor or anything but she's pretty messed up. I'm not sure how we can help her." Liam explained, making my eyes sadden as they flickered down to the ground.

"After Zayn's gone do you think she'll be better?" I heard Louis ask, making Liam sigh.

"I don't think so, Lou. She was like this before she even met Zayn. I'm afraid she might always be this way."

"Is she...crazy?" I heard Niall ask after a long pause.

"Maybe a bit. I'm not sure." Liam responded, making my mouth hung open wider in disbelief.

I stepped away from the door with tears brimming my eyes. I stared back at the wall before letting a few tears roll down my face.

I quickly ran down the stairs, thankful that I changed into a sweater, black leggings, and converse before hand.

Tears wet my face as I opened the front door, letting the cool air hit my wet cheeks.

I sighed shakily as my head began walking outside. I prayed that spirits wouldn't start screaming at me. I quickly ran out the door, making my way down the street.

I walked quite a ways, not caring about how mad Harry would be when I returned. After a long period of walking, I entered the small prison, requesting to meet with Tom.

He was always nice to talk too. We always listened to one another, much like father and daughter, though I still couldn't see him in that way.

I walked impatiently to the visiting room to find him with a small smile on his face. I sat down with fresh tears staining my cheeks.

"Rose? What's wrong?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"The boys think that I'm crazy." I whispered through my painfully dry throat, staring down at my reflection in the shiny metal table.

A sympathetic smile spread across his face. "Oh dear...don't you get it? Everyone's crazy. No one is really sane. We're all crazy in our own ways. Everyone is different. A crazy person said that. They were right."

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