Jc Caylen

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I stared at Jc, my face hot from the kisses. My heart fluttering, I turned to myself and pulled out my phone, and texted Connor, 'I'll be home soon bae :)' I placed myself soon after on his spinning chair at his desk. I played angry birds on my phone in the spare time, then I finally heard him end the video and make his way over to me. He held his hand out to me, so I gently grabbed it, then he yanked me up and span me around crashing in to his chest. He hugged me tight, I enjoyed it, "Time for some food aye?" He said. "Alright." I replied. "Taco bell? In n out? Wendy's? Your choice." I looked up and smiled. "Umm, Taco bell." I stated, He laughed and he let go. "Well come on I'll drive." We walked in-sync to the car. We made our way to Taco Bell, "To go? Or stay?" he questioned.. "This time its your choice babe." "hah, babe are we like married now?" I laughed. "Anything could happen." I winked at the end. "Okay, huh, mm, To go." We pulled through the drive-thru and ordered. He payed, such a gentleman, and we drove back to his. "So, I was wondering, if you will be my date at the peir for an o2l video?." He grinned at me, "Yeah, sure it sounds like fun, plus I'll get to meet everyone."

We walked through his front door, to a crazy excited Wishbone. We ate our food on his bed, and within 30 seconds Jc had already consumed his Taco, leaving his sides and drink. " Well, Jc, I need to tweet my followers a picture of you" I said scrolling through my phone reading tweets as 'What are you doin!!1, Who are you with??, I saw you with Jc at the Drivethruu! Are yous dating?/' "Smile." I said snapping a picture of himself eating his food. With the caption 'Just a friendly Taco bell date.' I laughed and put my phone in my pocket. "My turn." He smiled. "No Jc, I don't like photos." "Fine then come here." I tilted my head and raised and eyebrow. He patted the spot next to him and I caught on. I scraped up against him, as he flipped the camera so it faced us, and kissed my cheek and a had a huge smile on my face, He took the picture and posted it. I watched him type in the caption 'This be Chloe, She be my peasant.' "Peasant aye?" I questioned. "Ahhh, Yep" Jc and I started to randomly take photos of each other with our phones. We sat upright against the wall, "You are so adorable" I said whilst googling his name to have all these images of him come up. He laughed whilst I tried to hold a dead serious face, "I'm not kidding." I said in monotone. I gave in, his smile is contagious. I looked over at him and WHACK! Right in my face, Jc smacked my face with his pillow, I retaliated as fast as I could, trying to grab the pillow from his grasp unsuccessfully, I try to launch myself at his arm and then I managed to tangle my legs around his torso, pinning him to his bed, arms either side to his head. I rested on him as I smirked in victory. He bit his lip seductively while looking me in the eyes, gosh those damn brown eyes, he smiled as I slowly leant down. I gently placed my lips around his. We both smiled into the kiss, he moved his hand so it was ontop of my waist. I could feell his hands on the small of my back with no space between us. He repositioned himself so he was hovering above me, one hand traveled to my neck, as the other traveled to my side underneath my jumper tracing circles against my side. Jc just makes me so comfortable with him that I can be me, His tongue asking for acceptance. I accepted, he reached down & wrapped my legs around his torso. His hands traveled behind my back pushing me up against him, so now we were sitting against each other upright my legs still wrapped around him, I placed my arms around his neck as he snaked his to my waist. His hands traveled behind my hips tracing his fingers on my skin sending shivers up my spine. We continued kissing as I shifted my hands around his neck placing them on his cheeks wanting more. I pulled back looking at him with probably a red face, he was a perfect kisser.

"What's wrong?" he asked as we both gulped in air. "Nothings wrong, everything is... perfect." I paused after I said is. He gave me the biggest smile giving me butterflies on the inside. He was perfect altogether. "You know, you're a really good kisser Caylen." Jc blushed while telling me, "You're not so bad yourself." He quickly pecked my lips again causing me to blush. "Do you believe in love at first sight?" I asked Jc. "I believe in love and whether that be love at first sight or twenty years of knowing each other, love is love." He replied. "I agree." Then in a flash Jc let his back give way and I fell into his musculat chest. My hands resting near his collarbones. I looked down at him and nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent of bodyspray. I could feel his arms wrap around my back, I smiled to mysled and closed my eyes.


I could feel her smile in the crook of my neck. This girl, this girl right here... is amazing. Shes different to every other girl met, she stands out from the bunch, I just hope she thinks the same about me. I smiled to myself as I wrapped my arms around her back. We layed there in silence, not an awkward silence a nice calming one. I slowly closed my eyes drifting to sleep with Chloe in my arms. The quiet patter of rain against my window had made me open my eyes to the orange sun, setting. "Chloe?" I whispered in her ear. No response. I could faintly hear her soft breaths against my ear, 'I dont want to wake her, she looks so peaceful.' I thought. I laughed in my head, I figured she would want to go home. I gently kissed her cheek. "Chloe babe." I whispered, she responded by wrapping her arms around my neck. "Hey, sleeping beauty, its sunset." I said gently. "Did I fall asleep?" She questioned. "Haha yeah, but not for long." She loosened her grip and sat up, she pulled her phone out and went through it, I leant over and kissed her cheek. "What was that for?" She giggled, she was too cute. "Just felt like it." Shrugging my shoulders. "I'll drive you home." Even though I didnt want her to leave. "Sure I'll just text Connor." Connor is lucky to live with her, I mean like live with her. My phone vibrated, I opened the message from Sam. 'Is Chloe, gonna be there for the o2l vid? If sooo, cant wait to meet her ;)' I laughed. "What?" Chloe said while raising an eyebrow at me. "My mates are just really eager to meet you." She just giggled. "Well I cant wait." She said smiling. She stood up and grabbed her bag, adjusted her beanie and ruffled her hair. I walked over and grabbed my keys. "Thanks Jc, Today was great." She said as we walked downstairs. "Glad you had fun." I mentally smiled to myself. We sat in the car and in no time we were at there apartment. "I guess we-" I could feel her lips against mine as my eyes shut themselves, my hand moving to her cheek. I still had butterflies. We both smiled into the kiss. We pulled back and she flashed me a smile. "Make sure you text me, okay bye." She quickly pecked my lips once more and ran covering her head from the rain. I watched her quickly make her way through the door. I placed my head on the steering wheel and my grin was probably stretching from ear to ear I was that happy. I fist bumped the air and made my way home.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2015 ⏰

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