Jc Caylen

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After she told me that I felt different. I didnt know what I was feeling, so I just kept a smile on my face hoping my eyes wouldn't say anything. She just smiled at me left downstairs again. I turned back to my computer looking at the video we just made, this weeks theme was just to be random and do anything. I just stared at her, at us. There was just something in the pit of my stomach but i just couldn't pick it out.

I sat there stumped for about 3 hours because Chloe yelled out to me, "Connor come on me and you are going out for dinner." I scrambled on a sweater, my toms and some deodorant. I walk downstairs and greet Chloe with a smile. "Is everything okay?" She asks. "Yeah just fine I was just adjusting the video and stuff." We smiled and walked outside to my car.


We walked to his car but little did he know that I caught a glimpse of what he was doing in those three hours. Just sitting there, almost lifeless. We made our way to Taco Bell. We went inside and dined, we ordered the same and waited for our meal.


After we finished our meal we walked side by side out to the car. We sat in the car silently none of us saying anything. "Uh Chloe?" "Yeah Connor what is it?" I asked. "Um nevermind, it doesn't matter."

We came back home and I was really tired. I walked slowly out of the car whilst I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, Jc. "Hello?"

Jc: hey bub wanna com over tomorrow to help me film my video?

Chloe: Yeah sure i would love to

Jc: Okay thats great, can I pick you up at 10?

Chloe: Yeah sure

Jc: I gotta go mom wants me to do the dishes I will talk to you later.

Chloe: Okay bye bye.

I walked upstairs had a shower and got my sweats and jumper on. I walked into my king sized bed and quickly raced under the cold covers. 'Knock Knock' I heard my door, "Yeah Connor?" "Hey um I forgot to bring my blankets do you have a spare or anything?" "Haha sure Connor, I have this one, so I guess you can share my bed, I dont mind." I smiled at him.

"You sure , If you insist." "Oh I insist mr. Franta." And gave him a sassy wink. He crawled into bed, I faced my back to him, he slowly wrapped his arm around my waist, "You okay Connor?" I asked. "Its just um, im so used to cuddling, and its been a while since i've ever cuddled someone." He said to my back. I turned around and faced him, "so does that mean you havent had a girlfriend for a while?"

I asked him. "Uh yeah, I guess girls just dont find me 'dateable'" He returned. I slowly crept my face towards his, my lips slightly interlocked with his. I looked back in guilt, i didn't know why I just kissed him, I think i just felt sad that no girl has been interested in him for a while i honestly don't know why, he's funny and cute an attractive like seriously he is so fun it's funny that i dont understand why noone likes him? I know, I'll set him up on a date, yeah that will do it, I smirked and rolled over.

Keep reading for more ;)


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