House of Marriage, Pt. 1/House of Destiny

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Nina woke up from the horrible dream she had. "Just, a dream, Martin. Just a dream." She sighed.

She did all the things she needed to do in the morning. She ran into Amber on the way out of the bedroom.

"Nina! Start preparing!" Amber shook her. "Amber!" Nina stepped back from her. "Prepare what?"

"You didn't forget. Oh, no, no, no." Nina gasped. "The wedding! It's today!" Nina groaned. "I must've zoned out."

"Well, get out of 'the zone' and go prepare Patricia's wedding breakfast. Everything has to be perfect."

Nina nodded, and went downstairs into the kitchen. She saw that the garbage was full, so she went to take it out. When she did, she saw Victor talking to an unknown person.

"Once we get our hands on the Disk of Kek, we will be unstoppable." Victor stated.

Before she could see the other person Victor was talking to, Nina gasped. Victor and the other person turned to look and Nina ran back inside the house.

When Amber came down into the kitchen, she groaned. "Nina, do I have to do everything myself?"

"Amber, look, Victor is-"

"Not today Nina. Not today is the day you find out that Victor is concocting some evil plan again. Nope. Not on my second favorite OTP's wedding day." Amber held her hand up.

"'O...T...P'?" Nina frowned. "One true pairing. After you and Fabian, of course." Amber smiled. "Now, I have to get the rose petals ready. Chop, chop, with the breakfast, Nina!"

Nina sighed, and began making her future sister-in-law her wedding breakfast.


Patricia was sound asleep, when she felt silky, good smelling, petals being drooped on her.

"What's going on?" Patricia woke up. "Happy Wedding Day!" Amber and Joy cheered.

Patricia smiled.

"Okay, I remembered not to call the other Houses and invite them to the wedding." Joy told her.

"Why aren't the other houses coming?" Amber asked. "Because, you guys are the only people I could ever want and need at my wedding."

Joy and Amber smiled.

"So, we've got everything planned for you. First, you are going to take a hot bubble bath. Then, we are going to do your hair. Then, you will do your makeup whilst we do your hair so, I, Amber Millington, can give you tips."

Patricia laughed. "And then you will get married to your meant-to-be."


"I'm getting married today. Can I ask you guys a question?" Eddie asked the guys.

"As your best men, we will answer any questions you have." Fabian responded.

"Should I wear this tie or this tie? Because, what if I wear the striped tie, but I'm not happy with the striped tie and I don't choose to wear the striped tie and I end up wearing some stupid, regular black tie?" Eddie asked.

"Well, I really think you should go for the black tie, it's really original-" Alfie was cut off by Jerome when he elbowed him. "What? He asked, I answered."

"Can I tell you guys a secret?" The guys waited. "I wasn't talking about the ties." Eddie sighed, and sat on his bed.

"See, I don't think you would have cold feet if we had that bachelor party I wanted." Jerome shrugged. "Jerome, we're in our 20s', we wouldn't even be allowed to do anything that makes a bachelor" Eddie told him.

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