House of Enemies(pt.1)/House of Calls

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Back in the common room, the group heard a scream. "Nina." Amber stated. They ran to Eddie, Fabian, and Chris's room, where they see Malachi and Nina fighting.

They shrieked. Nina is finally able to fend him off, pushing him away from her. She takes the scissors off of Fabian's nightstand, and slices a piece of skin off of him.

Malachi pushes her off of him, and Nina landed on the floor.

"Nina!" Malachi yelled. "How do you know my name?" Nina asked. "How do you know it--Chris?" Fabian accused.

He looked at all of them, and shimmered out. "I got it!" Nina yelled as she held up a piece of red skin. "Okay. You sliced, you diced, now, you throw away!" Alfie shuddered.

"We need this. I read in the journal that I can make a sort of anti-Malachi concoction that can get rid of him." Nina explained.

"So, like holy water on vampires?" Eddie asked. Nina nodded. "Wait--if you find out Malachi really is Chris, are you sure you'll be able to...'get rid of him'? I mean, we all know how you felt about each other-"

"Joy." Nina looked down. "I'm gonna do what needs to be done."

"Okay, good plan. While you're here, in the meantime the rest of us are going to be out looking for Chr-Malachi." Fabian stuttered. Nina nodded.

"Alright, good luck." Jerome wished.




Chris shimmered to an ally, where he flashed between being Malachi and Chris. He quickly took off his leather jacket. He lifted up his shirt to see where Nina cut him. He inhaled sharply when he touched it.


He sensed the house. "Nina." Chris limped to the house.

He opened the door. "Nina!" He saw her mixing something in the kitchen. "Chris?" Nina walked into the foyer.

Chris falls onto the floor. "Oh my god, what happened to you?" Nina looks at his wound. "Come on, I've got to get you to your room." She lifted him up off the ground and he wrapped his arm around her.

"Ok, I'm gonna get you some peroxide, cotton balls, water, and then you're gonna tell me what happened." Nina kissed his forehead.

Chris looked at his wound again. "What am I going to do?" He closed his eyes.

"I'm back. I have to call Eddie." She sets the stuff down. "N-no, Nina, that's not necessary." Chris tried to sit up, but Nina gently pushed him back down.

"You need to lay down. And Eddie can help." Nina explained.

Chris sighed.


Eddie's phone rings. "Who is that?" Patricia asked. "It's Nina."

He answered.

"What's up, have you finished?" Eddie wondered.

(Bold Eddie, Italics Nina)

Uh, yeah, but I need you to come home. Chris is hurt. Badly.


What does that have to do with anything?

If it's exactly where you cut him, then maybe you can finally believe what I've been saying all along!

I told you, I will believe it when I see it. I still need you to come back to Anubis.

What am I gonna do when I get there? Kiss it goodbye?

No, and stop being sarcastic. In one of the books in the Robert's study, it said that Osirians have the ability to heal.

Okay, fine. I'll see you there.

Eddie hung up. "What's going on?" Mara asked. "Nina needs me back at the house. She says Chris came back and has a wound. Thing is, she found out I can heal."

"Why would you say yes? Chris is Malachi. If he has a wound, then he's weak." Fabian asked. "Nina still isn't convinced, so, I have to do this. Bye. Call me if you find anything."


Close, but yet so far! I think a famous person said that, I don't know. Anyways, Sibuna is creeping closer to the truth. Bad news is, so is Nina. See what happens when they find out who Chris Mattely really is!


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