House of Marriage, Pt. 3/House of Vows

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Everyone else came into the common room. "I am so sorry I ruined your wedding." Nina apologized.

"It wasn't you." Patricia responded. "So...who's going to marry the two of you?" Alfie asked.

"The reverend! We asked him to leave." Eddie sighed.

Joy smiled. "I would love marry you guys!"

"What?" Patricia asked. "You can get officiated on the internet." Joy took her tablet out. "Just give me five minutes...and hope that Anubis House has really good wifi."

The lights went out.

"Oh, now what?!" Patricia asked. Flashlights were turned on and the police were in the common room.

"Nina Martin?"


"You've been arrested. For murder." Detective Cracken cuffed her.

"No, you can't do this!" The group all shouted different things, but they still took Nina.


"I can't believe Nina's been arrested." Chris stated. "Before we get into that, I think we need to discuss something. Much more important." Joy added.

"Joy, what is it?" Eddie asked.

"Victor's up to his old tricks again." She stated. "His old good tricks?" Alfie squeaked.

"No! I mean that he's after something called 'the Disk of Kek' that will make him and some mysterious person unstoppable. Apparently, the disk is split. Because Victor already has two pieces." Joy explained.

"Oh, god, no. We need to find them before he does." Fabian said. "We need to get Nina out of jail." Amber added.

"Okay, we'll split into groups. Fabian, Jerome, Joy, Mara, you looked for the pieces. The rest of us will pull our money to bail Nina out of jail." Eddie compromised.




Nina sat down on the silver chair in the cold, dark, interview room. She looked at her reflection.

"This is all our fault." She sighed.

Detective Cracken came into the room. "You're in luck."

Nina smiled, and exited the room. She saw half of the group. "Hey, where's the rest?" Nina asked.

"There's something you need to know." Amber told her.


"Where would Victor hide his pieces?" Mara wondered. "Certainly not in his safe, after that 'Cup of Ankh' fiasco." Fabian replied.

"So, where should we look?" Joy asked.

"What about the Frobisher Library? He probably thinks that you guys forgot all about that." Jerome answered.

"Well, let's go!"

Fabian, Mara, Joy, and Jerome all arrived at the Frobisher Library.

They go to the library. Once they entered, Mara stated, "Woah. It looks deserted..."

Joy grimaced. "What's wrong Joy?" Mara asked. "This place makes me sick." She answered.

"That is so wrong Joy! This library is to honor the person who-" Fabian cut Mara off.

"She almost died here, Mara."

"How?" Mara asked. "In second term, the day you and Jerome got together, Nina almost killed Joy because she was possessed."

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