House of Ruin/House of Parties

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Joy and Patricia were just in the dining room, looking at the set table for the engagement party.

"I'm really happy for you. Just wait, in two days, Dum, Dum, d-dum..." Joy sang. Patricia smiled. "I've never seen you this excited before." Joy said.

"Eddie wasn't in my life before." Patricia responded.

"You should say that in your vows." Joy suggested.

" vows." Patricia went wide-eyed. "You haven't written them yet?!" Joy whispered.

"Well, it's kind of hard to explain everything we've ever been through and put it on paper." Patricia explained.

"Don't worry, Yacker." Eddie walks in and into the kitchen. "I'm having the same exact problem. But, something tells me that you girls will know what to do. You know how 'express your feelings'. Fabian doesn't know how to do that!"

"Don't tell me you're having trouble! What if it gives me cold feet?" Patricia asked.

"If you didn't want to marry me, then you wouldn't have said yes." Patricia nodded, "I guess that's true."

"Onto another subject, I am going to make a meatball sub."

"You mean your boy sandwich?" Joy giggled.

"My meatball sub."

Their phones vibrated.

Why is Nina out at midnight, at a cemetery, in a crypt? Grave robbing? No, but its something waaay jucier!

I'll put it in poem form:

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Nina visited Chris,

Oh yeah, he's back too!


On the bottom was a picture of Nina and Chris in the crypt.

"Nina!" Sibuna yelled. All of Sibuna waited by the stairs, waiting for Nina to come down.

She slowly approached them. "Hey, guys. How's your afternoon?" She asked. "We just found out that you said Chris is back, and you are asking, 'How's your afternoon'?" Patricia frowned.

"Nina!" Eddie yelled. "I'm sorry. But I promise, I cut him off." Nina told them.

There's knock at the door. "I'll get that." Nina said.

Nina answered it, and saw Chris standing there. She uses her powers to throw him across the room.

"That doesn't look like much 'cutting off' to me!" Alfie yelled.

"I told you if you enter my life again, I will kill you." Nina growled. "Nina, you said that you were going to kill me a while back, too, and look where I am now."

Nina rolled her eyes. "What are you doing here?" Patricia asked.

Walking back into the common room, Chris said, "I'm certainly not here for the cliché triangle sandwiches."

"Look, we're about to have the engagement party, so you can't just show up out of nowhere and try to kill us!" Eddie exclaimed.

"I'm not going to use my powers." Chris replied.

"God, can you just do whatever you do and disappear into thin air? We're about to have a party and guests are coming over. We don't need a tribal-faced killer with a leather jacket on to ruin it." Joy told him.

"Sure." Chris nodded. He almost shimmered out, when he saw a demon shimmer in and point at Nina.

Chris came back.

The demon put an energy ball in his hand, and aimed at Nina.

Chris pushed her out of the way and she was knocked out.

Chris transformed into Malachi. "Malachi? You live?" The demon asked.

"Yes. But you won't." He responded as he threw an energy ball at him and the demon died. He transformed back into Chris.

Chris turned to see Sibuna staring at him.

"You said you wouldn't use your powers anymore." Mara said. "Did you want that demon to stick around?" Chris questioned.

"No, but we could've handled it." Eddie replied.

"What with your orbs and beams of light? It wouldn't have bruised him." Chris explained.

Nina woke up, and stood.

"I can't believe that Nina loved you." Amber shook her head. Everyone left, but Nina stayed behind. "Did you kill him?" Nina asked.

"I get it, just--get it over with, Nina. Kill me." Chris shrugged. Nina hugged him.

"He came after me. You saved me."

"I should go." Chris said.

Nina held his hand, "You are not going anywhere."


And you are forgiven! Nina has forgiven Chris for his crimes and they are back together!


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