First Note

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Shizuo's POV

I wake up at the sound of an alarm clock. I sleepily go to turn it off, but instead ended up breaking it. I grumble a little then get out of bed and shuffle over to my Raira uniform. It's neatly folded and ironed on my desk, I'm guessing mom did that while I was asleep.

I put on the uniform then go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and try to tame my messy dyed blonde hair. After a few minutes I give up on the hair and walk out of the bathroom. I go to look at the clock on my nightstand to see how much time I had left to get ready, but saw it in pieces.

Note to self get a new alarm clock after school.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen and see my little brother Kasuka eating breakfast. He notices I walked in and says good morning in his usual emotionless voice. I say good morning back and look at the clock it's only 6:45 am, so I have time to eat. I grab the cereal and milk and start eating, after ten minutes I start to walk out the door to school.

I go to my shoe locker that's just a little dented then hear Shinra Kishitani yelling down the aisle at me.

"Hey Shizuo! Good morning!" He yells cheerfully.

"Good morning, Shinra." I say.

Then Shinra asks "Are you ready to go?"

"Almost." I put my outside shoes in the beat up locker and close it.

We walk to our homeroom with a few people cowering away from me. Shinra is one of the very few people not scared or hate me because of my strength. He's also been my best friend since elementary school, but we went to two different middle schools.

We go into our homeroom class and go to our seats. They happen to be near each other so that's good, but there's only one thing bad about the seating arrangement. I'm sitting right beside the most annoying person ever.

After awhile the air starts to smell and I know exactly who's about to come in the door, Izaya Orihara. I've hated him ever since I met him last year.

He walks in looking around give some people a look that says 'I know everything about you, so watch your back'. He has raven color hair, scarlet red eyes, and wears a different color Raira uniform that's black with a dark red shirt.

Some call him a demon others call him hot and charming which I would never say what I call him is an annoying damn flea.

He walks over to his seat glancing at Shinra saying "Hello Shinra..." Then at me saying "Shizu-chan." I hate that nickname he gave me.

Shinra responds saying "Good morning, Izaya." Then I mumble "Damn flea." After hearing that I hear a small laugh from Izaya.

"Well aren't you nice Shizu-chan." I ignore him and start paying attention to the homeroom teacher.

I go through the next four classes till lunch and two of them were with the flea, so I was miserable there.

During lunch I meet up with Shinra and my other friend Kadota Kyohei on the roof. Shinra starts a conversation with Kadota and I start eating.

"I heard you got a love letter this morning." I stop eating and start to listen to the conversation.

"Yeah a lot of people have been saying that but it's really just someone wanting to fight."



"I don't believe you. Let me see the letter."

Kadota reaches into his back pocket and pulls out the letter. Shinra quickly grabs it and starts reading, I lean toward him to read the letter as well. Then Shinra hands the letter back to Kadota and says "Bummer if you did have a secret admirer and you two got together, than we could go on a double date with me and my beloved Celty. Of course..." He keeps rambling about his girlfriend, but Kadota and I started ignoring him having our own conversation.

"So how's your day going?" Kadota asks me.

"It's okay but still really hard to be in five classes with the flea."

"Well I guess you're going to have to live with it this year. It hasn't even been a month yet."

"But still the schedulers could have done better"

He shrugs the we all hear someone yelling at us saying "Hey guys I'm up here today!" We turn to the voice and see Izaya waving at us.

Shinra and Kadota wave back but I don't and go back to eating my lunch. The three of them have fun talking to each other the rest of the lunch period.

When lunch was over Izaya and I go to our fifth period together. The rest of my classes except for my last was tiring Izaya wouldn't stop bugging me.

After school ends I go to my shoe locker and open it up. Something falls from it and I look to see that is a piece of neatly folded up notebook paper. I picked it up thinking that it's some idiot that wants to fight so I start reading.

Dear Shizuo,
I want to say that I've been watching you for awhile now and think you're pretty awesome. I really like you a lot but just too scared to tell you I'm sorry. I hope you had a great day.
                             Your secret admirer.

I'm shocked is this even real, me Shizuo Heiwajima getting a love letter. I look around to see if any girls were watching, but see no one. I was really hoping to have some clue but now I'm excited I wonder who and what kind of person she is.

I walk home reading the letter again and again feeling happier every time.

??? POV

I'm sitting at my desk in my bedroom finishing up my homework and thinking of more notes I could write. I just hope that he got the note I had to leave early so I couldn't see. I look at the time it's 6:23 pm so I get up and go fix dinner for my family.

After dinner I go back to my room and start thinking about what to write. Maybe I could write two one if I get to school before he does and one if not. I start writing the two notes hope what I put down doesn't give me away.

Notes (Shizaya)Where stories live. Discover now