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Amber pov
"Time for dinner!" Demi yelled. "Oh um, I'm going for a walk." I said trying to lie my way out. "Is something wrong? You seem to not want to eat." Demi said concerned. "Uh I'm fine." Ugh I said that unconvincingly.
I ran upstairs so I wouldn't have to eat and checked my Twitter. I saw lots of hate. "Fat whore" "whale" "Demi shouldn't have adopted a whale slut" I can't take this all. Being forced to eat. Being called names. I need to end it all. "Dear Demi,
I love you and I'm sorry you and Wilmer broke up and now I'm leaving, but I just can't handle this world anymore. Everyone is hurting me. Why? I don't know. I love you and I'll miss you, but I hate being called a fat whale.
So I put the note on my desk as I walk to the bathroom.
I take out my blade and start slashing my wrist. Blood starts pouring out as I start to pass out. This is the end.
Demi's P.O.V
I feel that something is wrong. I think it might be with Amber. I should probably go check on her.
I get into her room and the bathroom is locked "Amber" nothing "Amber" still silence. "I will bust this fucking door down" nothing. I bust the door down and what I see next HORRIFIED ME. Not my baby girl. That can't be my baby girl covered in her own blood laying on the tile. "Hello 911, this is Demi Lovato, my daughter just tried to commit suicide please help." I said sobbing over the phone. They came and as they pulled her out on a stretcher I called Wilmer.
"Wilmer, Amber just tried to commit suicide, she might die come to the hospital quick." Demi said sobbing over the phone. " WHAT THE FUCK?! I'll be there as soon as possible!" My baby girl. "Hello my daughter Amber Lovato is in here." I said sobbing " yes she is in room 31 you can go see her." The lady at the desk said. I go up and I see Demi sobbing and my daughter connected to a shit load of tubes. This can't be happening.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Will Amber survive? Find out in the next chapter. I love you guys, please don't hurt yourself.

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