Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


Whenever there was tabloid trouble, I always knew who to turn to: my own Jedi master, Samantha Cole.

Sam's dream was to become an investigative journalist, but her bosses had told her over and over again that she was too pretty to go into war-torn countries. Since she started her career, the only people she'd been able to interview were hollywood celebrities and socialites like yours truly.

It would seem weird to a lot of people that someone like Sam would be great friends with the type of person who'd constantly make it on every tabloids front page. See, she and I met and had been friends before she began reporting about JLo's latest and youngest boytoy or the Watkins newest family problems. She'd been y best friend before we even knew what the word meant.

It would also confuse a lot of people why I would go to her when an issue like the most recent news report about our company. Other than my grandmother, Sam was the most honest person I could rely on.

"Sam Cole," she greeted after the third ring. She sounded as though she'd just ran a marathon, except Sam hated exercising.

I tightened my hold onto my brother's cell phone. "Sam," was all I said.

It was enough for her. "Holy shit! You're alive! Thanks for disappearing out of my life for three years, bitch! What the fucking hell?"

"I know. I'm sorry. It was a last minute thing. I had to get away." Even I knew the excuse didn't sound genuine. After three years, I'd hoped that she had forgiven me.

"From everyone else, not me! I thought you were dead. No one in your lovely family would tell me anything, even Toby refused to even mention what part of the world you'd escaped to."

"God, I know. Look. I'll tell you all about it later, but there are other pressing matters I need you to look into."

She scoffed. "Of course." I imagined her rolling her eyes. Three years gone without even saying goodbye and the first thing you'd do was to ask me what the hell is going on with your family's business."

I'd like to say that I was surprise, but this was exactly why I knew I could depend on her regarding this situation. "Do you know where it came from?"

"Hold on...Babe, could you get off, I actually need to take this call."

"Are you talking to me?" When the unmistakable sounds of kissing on the other line answered my question. "Never mind. I'll hold if you want to finish." Sam was with a man. That restrained breath I'd heard earlier was from her panting from sex.

"Nah. I'm done. Let me go to the other room..."

I listened to her give whoever she was with another kiss and who knew what else.

"Okay. I don't know who the source is, but give me a half an hour and I can find out."

"Is there any way to diffuse it?"

"That should be your publicist's job."

"But I don't trust them. I trust you."

Sam released a heavy sigh before saying, "I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks, Sam. I owe you."

She scoffed again. "Yeah you do. An exclusive would be great. Tit for tat."

"You do what you can to soften the blow and I'll give you whatever you want."

"Deal. This is Toby's number?"

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