I'm Just Glad There Isnt School Today...

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Hello my lovely corpses~
Yes. I am sticking with that name.
Thanks for the 17k reads as of today!
Anyways, please enjoy the chapter.

Ughh... I let out a groan. 'My head hurts...' I thought as I placed the back of my hand to my forehead only to feel that it was burning hot. 'What even happened...? How did I get sick?' I wondered as I sat up hugging my knees to my chest. I rested my head on my knees. 'I swear... If I don't get any food in me I'm going to pass out.' I thought to myself as I walked to the kitchen dragging my feet against the tiling a suddenly heard a small noise and jumped, well, not literally. I stood there frozen for a moment looking around spotting a broom and grabbing it. For protection y'know. Someone's definitely in my house, there's no way that was my imagination. (Does anyone remember that one scene from Big Hero Six when Hiro grabbed a broom to protect himself? That's basically you. XD) I slowly inched towards the kitchen only to find a tall dark haired male sitting on the counter. I stepped closer so I was in range then swung the broomstick. "Ahhhhhh!" I yelled as I swung dust flying everywhere. I wasn't exactly getting the reaction I was looking for... He held his hand up and rubbed the side of his head where I had hit him. "What was that for?" He asked turning around. I laughed nervously. "What are you doing inside my house?"
The boy was Kodota, and last time I checked, he didn't have a key to my house. "Kida called us, he said you were sick and we should keep you company." Erika said popping up behind the counter. 'Masaomi did...?' I thought feeling my face heat up- but, not from my fever. "This is like the popular shojo anime where the boy's love interest gets sick and he comes over to make soup and take care of her." Walker said suddenly popping up beside Erika. 'How do they keep popping up like that...?' I wondered. Kadota had gotten down from the counter and Rin was behind him stirring a pot of soup. "I'd really rather not be cast as the love interest for her. I can just go ask Masaomi or Mikado to do that." Rin said calmly looking over her shoulder. My face flushed red. "I don't think that's-" the doorbell suddenly rang cutting me off. Great. I pretty sure my house isn't a lounge or cafe. But Rin is a pretty good chef. Erika and Walker could be the people who hand out flyers- wait, no. My house isn't a cafe or diner. I sighed walking over to the door and opening it only to see who had payed my a visit.

Haha. I wasn't going to originally end like this but, who could it be?
a) Masomi and Mikado
b) Y/N's parents.
Cast your votes!
Originally I was just going to do Mikado and Masaomi but I thought having Y/N's parents would be a cool twist. I thought of just doing one but I was thinking I'd just let you decide. I need at least a single comment to continue the story. And your vote does count because if there's one more vote for one option it can change the entire story.

Q + A
Thanks for all your submissions! Remember to ask more questions to either me or the cast of Durarara. And shoutout to nomjoonkookie and ZoeCraft for your questions. (I'll be answering two questions every chapter in the order they were commented. So I'll get to your question soon!)

Anri: U-um nomjoonkookie asks, "What is your favourite k-pop group or artist?"

Author: Hm. Well honestly, I don't listen to either. But I've listened to a few songs from F(x) and they're pretty good. But I mainly listen to bands. Punk bands. Like Sum 41, Set it off, Starset, Skillet. And yes. They all just happen to start with 's' it's strange.

Kadota: I really don't wanna read this...

Author: Do it Dota-chin.

Kadota: *sighs* ZoeCraft says, "What's your favourite anime? (Other than Durarara.)"

Author: Actually I'm beginning not to like Durarara as much. Not that it's bad but I'm more into like the slightly gory animes. Like all the ones where people say 'you think anime if for kids?' Then show like, Higurashi and Another and Corpse Party... But my favourite... Let me answer that question with another question. What's 1000 - 7? *smirks*

Kadota: Uh... She likes Tokyo Ghoul. It's her favourite at the moment. And she won't stop talking about how much she likes that last episode of the first season and that Kaneki is really cool and-

Author: *kicks Kadota in the face*

Kadota: *falls over* ow...

Author: *turns over to the reader* so that concludes this chapter's Q+A. Please turn in more questions for us to answer-

Kadota: You're just going to pretend like nothing happened? You just-

Author: Don't interrupt me! *hits him on the head with the broom Y/n used*

Kadota: Twice in one chapter...?

Author: *clears throat* Anyways. That's all for this chapter and send in those questions!

[Fade to black]

Author: I feel like that one girl from Lucky Star when they do the questions at the end...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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